You will be amazed (I was at least)

Nurses General Nursing


Yesturday a physician came to our recovery area to see a post-op pt. He wrote orders and I glanced at them as I always do before he left (so I wouldn't have to page him in 3 minutes for clarification of handwriting). I was AMAZED. The writing was not only readable but worthy of a penmanship award! I told him "Thank you for writing so neatly". Know what he said? He said, "I don't see why M.D's write sloppy, it just wastes everyones time when we have to be called when noone can read the writing". He is my new hero (as far as doc's go). What a breath of fresh air for a change. To top it off, he is actually a sweet guy and a great doctor.

Just had to share some good news for a change.:)

It's scary when docs with bad handwriting bring other docs into their practice aand the other guys start to wrtie like their boss!!! I guess they don't know that in court it says whatever the lawyer wants it to say!!!!

Good Catholic school upbringing here. Write pretty or get smacked up side your head with a ruler and on your hands with those heavy rosary beads! OUCH!!!

We had an ER Doc subpoenaed for a trial where he had cared for one of the people involved, and he couldn't read his own writing on the witness stand. He was a wonderful person and was very supportive of the nurses. He just couldn't write legibly, even for himself.


we have some docs with excellent handwriting and we have others that might as well just draw pictures.

theres no reason for that. its sloppiness and inconsiderate.

It's amazing that docs can perform delicate surgery and still not write legibly!

I like the portable typewriter thing!

My handwriting is terrible. I've tried and tried to improve, hand starts cramping and then it's all over.... :-(

I just wish I could bring the keyboard and type my nurse's notes.

---ooo, gonna add that to the thread... :D

Crazynurse, DITTO to what you said!

Come to the VA hospitals-- You'd get to type and type and type and type .......

The orders are typed too!

There are many, many computer templates and documents for each patient and much duplication to boot.

The problem is with the convoluted wording of the orders. What was the doc's intentions or plans for the patient for that particular order? Is what the nurses have to question frequently.

I had a doc tell me that if you can read it, it is an order- if not then it is a suggestion!

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