You Can't Be a Nurse Without Love

Nurses General Nursing


Sometimes the simplest moments contain the most profound lessons.

I pride myself on the fact that I'm smart. Oh and let me tell you, I'm not just smart because I retain information well (which I do) but really, I'm smart because I have a seemingly never-ceasing passion for learning. I love when I learn of a new blood test, and why we draw it, and what would cause elevated or decreased levels, and the effects of said levels. I love when multiple body systems are involved, and I have to piece together why the body is reacting like it is. I love learning so much in fact, that like many of you, I've heavily considered the possibility of becoming a doctor; a surgeon in fact. I mean, why settle for being a nurse when I'm smart enough to do greater things!?

I know what you're thinking! And If you've made it this far without throwing up in your mouth a little, I commend you. Please, read on.

So I was in my labor and delivery rotation this past week and as I walk onto the unit, lucky me, there was a C-section to observe! It was already under way, but my awesome instructor rushed another student and I into the OR just in time to see the baby being pulled out. We were told in so many words, "stand here, don't move, don't talk, just learn." So I did. Premo tickets by the way, a perfect view!

But first, a little back-story;

Turns out, the woman had been about 32 weeks along, when she suddenly and without warning became doubled over in pain. She was in the hospital at the time, rated the pain 10 out of 10 and cited it as coming from her previous C-section scar, which apparently can be a sign of uterine rupture and could potentially be fatal to the baby and/or mom. So STAT C-section was the call. Where was dad during all this? He had just left before the pain came on, so he was now (at the time of the C-section) getting back to the hospital and ready to come in.

So anyways...

I'm standing, not moving, not talking, just learning, as a bustle of busy-bodied professionals do do do in a cloud around me. To my immediate right, blood gasses are being drawn from the umbilical cord of the placenta. To my lesser right, baby is being worked up by the Pediatrician and two special care nurses. A hearty cry is heard to the relief of the staff and mother. Finally, front and center, the almighty surgeon is finishing his work on the uterus and nearing time to close up. It didn't take long for me to gather that this particular surgeon definitely had the stereotypical God-complex that we all know some to have. (No time to tell why, but you'll just have to trust me on that one.) So since he is finishing up, he deems it allowable for the husband who is now here to enter.

Enter husband.

The husband, jaw dropped at the sight of his wife's uterus on the outside of her inside, and clearly still trying to orientate to the fact that he's now the father of a newborn which he didn't expect for another 2 months, walks over and takes a seat near his wife's head, who is in fact drugged up quite nicely, yet still pretty coherent and sensible.

"Hey" he says quietly, with a slightly stunned smile.

"Hey" she says back, same expression. He rubs her head. A moment of silence.

Now the impressive part!

The masterful surgeon, while effortlessly finishing the job, begins to afford the father, and everyone in the room, with an impressive rundown of the past hour. His verbiage vast and his articulation astute, he pontificates to all who have ears, the medical reasoning for what just happened. As he proceeds through decision after decision that he had made, we were taken through the possibilities of a UTI, abruptio, and numerous other deceptive diagnoses only to arrive at what was most likely, yet unconfirmably a uterine rupture. I stood in awe at the attention to detail. Nothing left out, everything carefully considered, reconsidered, and then decided upon. It was so impressive! He slowly yet decisively came to an end in the monologue.

Now... the profound lesson, wrapped up in a simple...


No response.

"Do you understand?" the doctor beckons.

after a slight second pause, "..oh. Yes. Um, thank you."

Silence gripped the room.

Maybe this came as such a shock to me because I'm so used to health professionals and us students devoting all of our focus and attention to every syllable that proceeds from the mouth of the doc. They're so important! They're so smart! They've spent so many years in school! They're powerful and wealthy!

...and yet, in that one moment of silence, the doctor meant nothing. The diagnosis meant nothing. All the importance, knowledge, power, and wealth in the world meant NOTHING,but that the husband was with the wife, and they loved each other, and their lives were now different.

I'm glad I'm becoming a nurse. I'm realizing that I'm young and hungry after the things of this world. My mind easily drifts to things like money, power, and prestige. Yet, I saw in that operating room this week that these things, although they can be good, will never make me happy. Love. Love is the only thing worth giving your all for. I'm glad I'm entering a profession where love is the foundation of the job. You can't truly care for someone without love. You can't be a nurse without love.

Very true; love comes in many forms- and that being said, who's to say that what I see is "wrong" or "right"? :) I see it as something (obviously) very differently than some others. It's not about "getting" someone else's views AND having to adopt them as my own. And not part of my nurse-paitent relationships. EVER.

Why is it a matter of "getting it", when it's so individual? A person doesn't have to "get" the same thing from an emotionally rich concept. And I saw that doc as making a great effort to be sure he was understood in a really intense situation. That's great- for the husband of the patient AND the doc. Always give and take in a professional relationship- and that's what I saw. A doc being professional; sad it was seen as something spectacular when it should be the norm.

I've never kowtowed to the concept of praising the right and decent thing to do when it simply the right and decent thing to do. Sorta like giving every kid a blue ribbon for showing up, instead of rewarding the kid who busted his/her butt to excel.

Or if it's about writing a commentary about something you witnessed for the sake of having it appreciated, YEAH- I don't get posting that here..... at all. (nor do I care to; I didn't sign up for "all" or check the writing forums). You're command of grammar and vocabulary are refreshing :)

My opinion- if you disagree- fine; :) it's still my opinion. This isn't rocket science. :up:

I've been an RN since 1985 (spent 19 years working; the last 7 as a competently cared for patient- never felt/expected "love")- and "love" wasn't on the NCLEX then, and I have no reason to believe it is now- and I LOVE that :D

I did care about doing a good job for the patients I took care of, and being a good coworker. I LOVED that, too :)

lol an argument! This is so funny. Then quoted the ANA.

Yeah, it definitely wasn't meant to be a logical, step by step argumentative piece.

And how can you separate compassion and love? Compassion is birthed out of love. Do you see love as some sort of feeling? Love is a verb.

Thanks for your comment though! And thanks for everyone's comments. Funny how differently people see things.

No. Not exclusively; love is a noun (see above links in previous reply).

Love is a choice. Compassion is an act based on being compassionate- a character quality. :) And maybe that's the big difference in why there are arguments about this. That and different life experiences and life stages among the reply posters....and that's not a bad thing :up:

I appreciated the story, OP. :) Despite being long, it kept my interest (most of that length don't). I do get where you were going with it. But I personally don't feel that love is the "foundation" of nursing. I suppose I could say that I have a love for the profession overall, because I enjoy being able to help others and feel like I'm making a difference in some way. But when I'm caring for my patients, I never equate it with love.

I also think (if anyone cares at this point- LOL :D) that everyone seeks love. That's not an issue. And nursing is equated with something relatively "people serving" (though with the 'business' end of medicine, I should hope this is fading for a somewhat more realistic view of providing a service).

While I can't stand the customer service models, I can't ignore them (though I do my best to annoy Press-Ganey when I respond to their surveys with "PG is undermining the goals of nursing to be to maximize patient health and outcomes, by diminishing it to a concierge industry"). And it's all about getting the patient as well as they can get, not making their lives worse, and getting them either out the door (hospital) or helping them live as best they can (LTC/hospice/HH). Nothing in there about emotional connection to the individual- imo- the only obligation is to provide the best care, and not be a total beeyotch. :D If someone came into my room with some "let me love you" mentality/comment, I'd be telling PG a LOT about that individual, to be sure :D

you should save your post... and read it to yourself years later. sometimes it is easy to forget why we became nurses in the first place. as a nurse we encounter so much... from patients... their family.. their doctors... our family with not understanding our work schedule and how overtime is needed in this economy, etc. I'm still new at nursing but every once in a while i have to remind myself why i decided to be a nurse. and not a business major, or a pharmacist, or dentist, etc. In nursing, not only do we have to use our brain, and skills, but we have to be compassionate and have empathy and never ending patience.

I still battle with myself daily. yesterday i was convinced i want to go back for pharmacy, but today... i love being a nurse... tomorrow? well, i guess it depends on my stress level. lol

Gosh, so many points of view on nursing and love! I’ve always looked at love as a verb, an action word, b/c to me love is something that is is shown or demonstrated. We might not all love our patients like Mully does.. but I am glad there are nurses out there who love, like Mully :)

Gosh, so many points of view on nursing and love! I've always looked at love as a verb, an action word, b/c to me love is something that is is shown or demonstrated. We might not all love our patients like Mully does.. but I am glad there are nurses out there who love, like Mully :)

Nurses who see "love" as a noun also have things in their life that they love (verb).....and they can be incredibly compassionate nurses; please don't look at only one example of love as "the" be-all-end-all way of showing it. You're cheating yourself to keep it limited :o

I "loved" doing a good job (which included being compassionate, because I think people are worth that type of attention- and I got something back from it- a paycheck, and the awareness that I was of help).

A parent who disciplines their child is showing one of the most difficult forms of love there is- and yet it's not all warm and fuzzy. :) Putting a pet to sleep is a selfless form of love that hurts like the loss of a dear, dear family member (selfless being a key issue in "love" and a reason for not seeing patients as a 'target' of love- they are a vital component of the job- and it's not selfless unless it's a volunteer job, a mission trip, etc- where there is no compensation aside from the desire to do a good job, and keep being employed :)). To not discipline because it's "too hard" or unpleasant robs the kid in the long run (but helps the parent avoid anything negative). To permit a pet to suffer because of the inability to let go is selfish (imo- for those who can take it- whatever). Love isn't confined to something that is a superficial demonstration.

Having a doctor do his job can be a form of compassion- and people "love" to see that :up: But it's not "it". Love (in the dictionary) is a noun. People "fall" in "love"..... the 'fall' is the verb- the "love" is the destination (so to speak)... It's a lot more complex than something that is a definite 'feel good' thing.

That's why I said "define" love... unless you know what you mean by love, you don't know it when you see it- and it's not always the pleasant picture that is desired; sometimes it hurts- but to ignore any component of it gives an incomplete picture, and won't allow you to see "all" that is love :up: And it changes from situation to situation. :)


xtxrn - you make a excellent point. Like I previously said, love has many forms, which I think we agree on. I'm sorry if my previous post implied that I view love as one dimensional. We all see love differently and express it differently. Some share it with everyone and some keep love reserved for those special few people. While I may not love all my patients, I do believe that compassion comes from a place of love. Not "love" in the "I LOVE YOU, MARRY ME" way lol, but in the basic love for another fellow human being. "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" kind of love. OP - I really liked how you said that "love is the foundation of the job." I hope your optimistic view of nursing never dies. :) GN

There may come a time when we'll all have 'well-input-ted' robot doctors and nurses who will perform flawlessly and without sarcasm...Just don't expect them to hold your hand.:)

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

The doc/surgeon loved his job, too, though his perception of what was going on outside of himself was a bit cloudy. He loved being able to step in and discern what was required; he loved being able to perform the procedure competently;

He loved displaying his vast knowledge ( though his 'teaching' may have been more appropriate to medical students); he probably loved the sound of his voice carrying forth with such command! He loved (loves) being a doctor!....Also loves learning, also loves being able to translate that learning to action...successful action.

Most doctors, and especially surgeons, live life on a whole 'nother plane from nurses and from patients. But love could be said to be the foundation of their practice, as well.

Mully had an Aha! moment, loved your well written story.:)

He is not alone--there is a whole center in the Boston area devoted to

keeping health care professionals compassionate care givers....

Take a a look at Dr. Schwartz's story, and how the organization was founded..

Call it whatever you want, but I want a healthcare professional with :redbeathe caring for me!

Best wishes in your nursing journey Mully!

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