Why are some nurses and aides such liars?

Nurses General Nursing


I don't get it. I really don't.

I have had multiple lies told about me since becoming a nurse two years ago. The latest is just so ridiculous!

I am now in informatics. I was hired back at a place that fired me.

I'm working on something for the pharmacy. I walk over to my old unit to see where they installed our Pyxis-clone. Say hi. Leave.

Get an email from my boss. "Sue, I was told that you were in the clean utility room. I know you well enough to know that you had a good reason to be there, but stay away from them."

Well, she believed me flat out when I said that I hadn't been in there and what I was doing, although what the problem would be anyway I don't know. I am licensed and the facility has me down as an LPN.

What is up with these idiots? Do they ever let anything go?!

I really don't get it. What were they trying to accomplish?

Hi, all.

I should be clearer. My boss was not remotely upset with me, nor did she think for a oment that I had been doing anything inappropriate. She simply knows them for what they are - troublemakers.


I just got back from the CPNE workshop. When she sends out the email that I complete my degree requirements and passed the boards they can stew in their jealous juices.

Thanks for the support. This place rocks!

If you think they're mean you should see me before I drink my first cup of coffee.:bugeyes:

That's me if I don't get any coffee.:smilecoffeeIlovecof:smilecoffeecup:

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