What Freaks You Out?

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, people. It's time for a nice, fun, light-hearted discussion to blow off some steam.

WHAT FREAKS YOU OUT? What bodily fluid can't you STAND? What wound gives you the absolute WILLIES? It doesn't matter if you're an ADN, BSN, LPN, CNA, PQRST, ABCDEFG...every body gets the heebie jeebies over SOMETHING...even you stomach-of-steel ER nurses!

Mine is eyeball injuries/surgery...aaaaaaaaackkkkkkk!! Gross! Makes my skin absolutely CRAWL. Or when someone gets a little cut on their finger/toe/whatever and then squeezes it to make it bleed!! Bleah!! Then there's the ever-popular RESPIRATORY SECRETIONS. I can handle poop, pee, amniotic fluid, lanced boils, pus, whatever...but give me a nasty snot-filled trach, and I'm OUTTA THERE.

Share, share, share people! biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Caro

76 stones is 1064 pounds.

You did'nt need a snorkel, you needed a wet suit and a fork lift!


Originally posted by Caro

Hi Goofball

76 stones is 1064 pounds.

We are talking about one VERY big woman !


I thought I had almost seen everything......but no I guess not.......so this woman is surviving!!!!!!!! Bless her heart!!!!!!!!

just micro:p :p :p

Alas , this lady died in our care....probably from a PE.

I say probably because we couldn't fit her in the elevator to take her to the pm lab.


Vomit does it for me. Have you noticed that whatever they ate, there's always diced carrot in there?

Of course there is carrot in there ! The carrot man sneaks up behind the vomiter and throws diced carrot over their shoulder while they vomit !:D

However, an italian friend of mine swears she always finds tinned tomato !


Specializes in SICU.

Wow... what a great thread!

I'm pretty grossed out at the usual stuff (colostomies, trach lugies, etc.) but one experience stands out in my mind.

I floated out to Telemetry one night and helped another nurse (who's also a friend) admit a CHFer. This poor old gramps obviously hadn't bathed in quite a while, as his underwear were yellow/brown and stiff. When the other nurse bathed him, he pulled back the patient's foreskin and the accumulated old secretions came off in a SOLID RING, with hairs and all sticking out of it. I thought my friend was going to pass out.

I had to go out in the hall and laugh my ass off...

There was also the time a nice little old lady sent us brownies in the ICU and we found fingernails and cat hairs in them. We called the patient's MD and told him; he was VERY upset, as he had already eaten one...

Specializes in SICU.

I just remembered one more thing... this was the only time I came close to vomiting in my 13 years of patient care.

My husband (who's also a nurse) was helping me bathe this lady who had a gangrenous foot. She refused to have it amputated and it was BLACK and PETRIFIED. I mean solid charcoal. We went to turn her over and I accidentally grabbed her foot and it CRACKED OPEN and just about came off. Sounded like a twig snapping. This crack occurred in the MIDDLE of her foot! I thought it was going to just fall off... UGH.

I screamed and ran into her bathroom gagging... my husband was about to die from laughing so hard. Thank GOD the patient was just about comatose by this time. I would've been SO embarrassed...

I am a female but the most thing that really affected me most was when I was witnessing a circumsition.....Oh my goodness when the Dr took that sharp scapel and cut that skin I fell to the floor they called a code blue and the staff thought it was for the baby so the crash cart was for an infant then when they saw it was my big butt they were like OH MY GOODNESS....I was alright I had just passed out.... I was also grossed out when I had to insert a foley in a female client and she had genital warts and they were very large and long I screamed because I thought something had crawled out of her lady parts and was trying to get on me....I did not get any report that the genital warts were there beforehand.....:eek:

I refuse to believe the post of the psyche patient who popped out his own eyeballs and ate them. No WAY!!!!! Someone that far gone should've been in four-point restraints.....just....No Way.

When I was a student, I once saw a basketball-sized infected sacral decub, stage IV -- that didn't bother me, I was too scared at the time. It was the TOES! Cheesy, nursing home toes. The smell followed me home. In the car, in my house. When I opened my books the smell was there, it was everywhere.


I assisted at a bedside repinning of guy in skeletal traction after being hit by a bus. The pin was BENT on both sides from the weight of the traction -- and the docs HAD to remove it. They gave him Versed, Dilaudid, but he had some tolerance and wasn't quite sedated. Imagine the drill spinning that thing while it was in the bone -- .

where i used to work, all the nurses threw money in a container and the one who did the dressing change would get it. here's why...

a mid 50's man w/ a h/o uncontrolled diabetes, necrotic foot ulcers, smelly and gangrenous went to his doctor for an unrelated problem. the dr told him that his tests were positive for colon cancer. being upset, the man went out binge drinking that night, got home, passed out and didn't wake up until about 38 hours later (he missed a whole day!) anyway, when he woke up, he realized that his dog had eaten off some of his toes. so he was in the hospital, pre-op for an amputation. i never got the money in the container. i still gag just thinking about it

Originally posted by DGfuturenurse

The post from Chucky reminded me of one...Years ago when I was a CNA, we admitted a little old lady who had fallen several days prior to anyone finding her and she had a fractured hip and she also had maggots in her lady parts!!YIKES:o :o :o Felt so sorry for her,too.

Ok so, DGfuturenurse, and Chucky, and everyone else who said they had pts. with maggots in their lady partss, seriously, how did these pts. get those maggots in their lady partss? Were they real maggots, real live crawling ones? I mean, don't maggots come from flys crawling all over something, and then the flies lay eggs which turn into maggots? Wouldn't those women have to have been just lying around without underwear on, to have flies laying eggs there in their privates? This is all just beyond my comprehension. I have never experienced the horror of which you speak, except once when I went trout fishing, we came upon a dead deer whose gut was alive with maggots.

Hi everybody! My name is John and I'm new to this site. I am a student nurse and have worked in Detox, Behavioral Health, and Emergency for the last 8 years. What freaks me out? I have been bled on, puked on, had feces thrown at me, urinated on (eeewwww), spit on, but the number one thing for me is lung balls!!! There was a pt on my psych unit who had a tracheotomy which he never took care of and never kept covered. He would yell at us and all this yellow lung ball would come flying out!!!

AAUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!! It was all I could do to keep my dinner down! My hat's off to Respiratory Therapists!

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