What a lovely nurse!!

Nurses General Nursing


Thank you out there whoever you are, that was lovely. I love it when people do good things for someone! Has anyone done anything wonderful for you? What was it. When someone does somthing nice for me it makes me want to do something nice for someone else. Its a wonderful chain reaction. I love it to see that there are still great people out there. Thankyou

I agree 100% with whoever created the golden rule: treat others and you wish to be treated - and that is one of the primary rules I live and nurse by! Now of course, if a patient is cussing at my I'm not going to cuss back (don't be too literal).

I personally think I have a 'best friend' so to say, who is also in the medical field and since we share the same interests, it's pretty easy to tell what type of day we've had. If she has had a bad day, then I know what I'll have to put up with but I'm there to support her. If she gives me something, I'll give something back.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

When my car was on the verge of just blowing up at anytime at the start of my 2nd year of nursing school, one of my clinical instructors said "I won't let a car be what keeps one of my students from getting through this program, passing the NCLEX, and being a nurse. I'll pick you up and take you home if necessary. The people i teach today are the people that'll be caring for me tomorrow." Even though my car lasted through graduation, the fact that the offer was there meant a lot that someone wanted to see me succeed that much.

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.
When my car was on the verge of just blowing up at anytime at the start of my 2nd year of nursing school, one of my clinical instructors said "I won't let a car be what keeps one of my students from getting through this program, passing the NCLEX, and being a nurse. I'll pick you up and take you home if necessary. The people i teach today are the people that'll be caring for me tomorrow." Even though my car lasted through graduation, the fact that the offer was there meant a lot that someone wanted to see me succeed that much.

That's pretty awesome!

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