Tips for Geriatric and LTC Nursing

I have worked in Geriatric/LTC nursing for over 20 years. The same scenario has played out hundreds of times in my career. It goes something like this: I meet a new person who asks me what I do for a living. I tell them I am a nurse. They are impressed and ask which hospital I work at. I tell them that I actually work at a nursing home. As I watch their face it is usually always the same. The expression changes from awe and wonder to disappointment and sometimes disgust. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

It is as if being a nurse is an admirable thing that one should be proud of unless you are a LTC nurse, in which case, you are not a "real nurse" because you don't work in a hospital. Many times, not knowing what to say, they will simply reply, "I could never do that." I have to bite my tongue at this point because I want to say to them that I agree, they probably could never do that.

Usually, this is the end of the conversation because many people have the belief that you are a nursing home nurse because you are not "smart enough" or "energetic enough" to work in a hospital. However, there are other times when this is not the end of the conversation and someone will ask you why you work in a nursing home. It took me asking myself that question and really thinking about it to come up with the answers that people needed to hear.

There is so much to learn in a nursing home! A lot of nursing homes are free standing and have to contract services. This means that the everyday services that the hospital nurses are calling upon ancillary staff to deal with, the nursing home nurses are having to learn and experience themselves.

When the diabetic patient needs dietary counseling and there is no dietitian in the facility, this responsibility falls upon the nurse. When a patient is newly diagnosed with gout, it is the nurse that will explain the need for the dietary restriction of protein. And when your patient has COPD and wants to know why he or she cannot have another pitcher of water, guess who gets to explain that? You guessed it, the nurse.

Another set of contracted services is physical, occupational, and speech therapies who work mainly Monday through Friday and for only a few hours a day if you are at a small facility. This means that for the rest of the day, the regular staff is working with the patients on these things. It is up to the nurse to know how to do a range of motion correctly, assist and instruct the patient in the proper ways of using their new occupational tools and silverware. It is also up to the nurse to train the CNAs on proper techniques for doing these things as well since the therapists have little time to do this training.

There is usually no lab contained in Long-Term Care Facilities like there are in hospitals. This means the nurses draw their own blood and start and maintain their own IV's.

Podiatrists? Maybe every 63 days since that's what Medicare allows. In between who has to deal with foot issues? That's right, nurses. There is no one to call to come to the floor to consult on a "bad toenail," or something that looks like fungus. The nurse learns what fungal characteristics look like and then make phone calls.

And then there are the phone calls. Character building phone calls at all hours of the day and night. Drs. very seldom make rounds in the LTC facility, therefore, the nurse is responsible for learning medical terminology that will describe a condition to perfection in order to obtain the proper interventions and orders.

Despite popular belief, LTCs and nursing homes are not places that people go to die. Therefore, not everyone is a "no code." For the nurse, this could mean running a code in the middle of the night with one other staff member in the building. There is no "code button" on the wall that you can push and a dozen available people come running. For staff in LTC, a code means calling 911 while you run down the hall on your way to retrieve an Ambu bag or AED machine and hope that there isn't a fire in town or you may have to wait a while for your volunteer EMTs to arrive for assistance.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is this: nowhere else do you obtain what you get working in geriatrics and long-term care. I have learned more and continue to learn more every day working as a charge nurse in a nursing home than I ever did in a hospital. So when I am looked down upon and asked why I work in a nursing home, my answer is because I CHOSE to get the education and experience that I cannot get anywhere else. And when they reply that "They could never do it" I secretly smile and think to myself, "nope, you probably couldn't!"

I am a LPN and have worked in LTC for 30 years,sometimes the nurses are the only family the resident may have or the only ones who care for them even if they do have family that never visits unless they are dying and the family wants to make sure to get their share of whatever money or belongings the resident has left,and sometimes the resident becomes like a grandparent a nurse never knew,so it works both ways,other nurses may think we are not as smart as they are,but let them think what they want,I know my residents are glad I care and they care about me too

Specializes in C.M.A. & S.T.N.A..

How wonderful is this article!!!!! I am a nursing student and I really don't have any other overwhelming interest than geriatrics and LTC. You can be everything and do everything:lol2:

:heartbeat Great article!! Bless you for putting into words the reality of being a LTC nurse, and giving a little bit of an education to those who may not understand what we do.

I too hear "I could never do that" or even snide comments about "smelly old people." But I'm satisfied knowing that I'm doing a job that many people couldn't. We LTC nurses are a special breed, and oh so needed.:yeah:

Specializes in mental health, geriatrics, MS, TELE.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are right about how people think that working in a nursing home is disgusting, this includes our fellow nurses. I love being a geriatric nurse. It has always been one of the most rewarding aspects of my nursing career. If nothing else geriatric nursing keeps you on your toes. :nurse:

Specializes in Geriatric and Oncology.

The bottom line is that we do what we love to do. Do not worry because people who thinks you don't know nothing are absolutely ignorant on what we do as a nurse in the LTC. We have the upper hand because we are the the nurse, the doctor and the phlebotomist and most of all we are being paid more than the nurses working in the hospitals.

Specializes in Long term care.

I wouldn't choose any other field after working in LTC. I started out working as a CNA in a nursing home at a young age. I have since maintained the relationships with my patients and their families. Had it not have been for LTC I may have never chose nursing. I like hospital work and hats off to the nurses there, but how many of them truly know their patients or can even remember their names after they leave. Yes watching people you've cared for over the years pass away is hard you know that their days of suffering are over and they are in a better place. At least I know my compassion and will to give them the best quality of life made a difference to not only them but their families!

I would imagine the depth of your nursing is deeper as you get to know

your patients & learn to anticipate their needs & fears. Must be so much

more rewarding than the hussle & bussle of acute hospital care where you

barely scratch the surface of knowing your patients. good for you.


What a wonderful article you have written. You say all that is in the heart of those who truly love LTC>

Thank you for putting our thoughts into print.


Been there..done that..I totally understand!!

Oh please hang in there, Peorple in LTC need all the love and care they can get, It will be the best job, with the most hugs, and the nicest people. Even when thye are not nice remember, they have lost everything to be somewhere they don;t want to be, I did the aid thing for 4 years and then got my LPN licence, I am 58, if i can anyone can,, I love my job.

Specializes in LTC, MED SURG.

my first job was in ltc, i was a nurses aide, over the years became a cna and a pca and a hhca...home health care aide working with people in their homes that had challenges with adls, we did meds and took them to school and dr's appts and cleaned their houses and washed their clothes and bathed them and grocery shopped, im now an lpn recently...june and working on my rn online...i so to speak have done it all, i am 43 and worked after becomming licensed in a hospital med surg floor and loved having only 5-6 pts, a computer and a it was great, however i left and went back to where i started very busy most days and find it difficult to do all that is expected of me but i try....i love it and wish my body would im day shift. im planning on going 11p till 730a for obvious reasons....legs back the charting is time consuming and when you sit to do it, someone always has other ideas thus seeing you sitting there, i feel nursing on any level is vital to any person needing to be nursed. we are a team and we spend our days trying to help others. just like a tree is a tree, a nurse is a nurse. flo didnt discriminate. she took care of soldiers men women children etc mom always said theres way to many chiefs and not enough indians, i now know exactly what she meant. i love my title i worked hard to obtain...yet i still like to answer call bells and potty my residents if i can, helps me remember why i wanted to be in this field to begin with. so to any and all nurses everywhere be proud of what you do and who you are....because the people you care for everyday regardless of where really appreciate you and need your tlc no matter what title you have embedded on your name tag.

peace, love & happiness to all and have a spooky ooky halloween :heartbeat

Specializes in Geriatric and Oncology.

What a wonderful story that is. Not so many nurses are like you. God bless you on what you are doing.