Tell us about your Allnurses' experience/Journey

Nurses General Nursing


As of now the headline states: 508,765 Nurses talking about nursing

That’s just the registered members – I wonder how much it would be if the unregistered members were included.

I joined the site February 2007 – 8 months before I started my four year nursing program. I was lurking for about 2 months before that. I don’t know how I stumbled on this site but I’m glad I did.

This site has really helped me far more than I can express. It not just a venting space but a very valuable educational resource – where else can you find pre-nursing students all the way to retired nurses all sharing their experiences, thoughts, feelings, tips, and knowledge?

Although my post count might make it seem that I haven’t participated that much in the past 4+ years – I was really on here on a weekly, if not daily, basis. I mostly used the search function to search up questions to my answers and look at the threads that received the most replies because they were of course, more often, the most heated/controversial/interesting ones: D They are still fun to look up.

And at each phase of my nursing journey – I focused on related forums. When I was a student I frequented the General Nursing Students, when I was preparing for my exam it was the NCLEX Discussion forum, when I was freaking out about job hunting – the Graduate Nurse forum came to my rescue and now that I just started my first job as a New Grad – it’s the General Section or First Year Nursing forums that I parked my behind at.

Threads I found to be most beneficial:

  • Nurses's eating their young
  • Docs & how to handle them
  • Nursing No Nos
  • Things new nurses are not doing that they should
  • Crazy family members/visitors
  • Medication errors

These have really helped me deal with similar situations that I came across.

Trust me – I’m not being paid to praise this site. I just love it very mucho. :redbeathe

Now let’s end this mushiness here before we all get uncomfortable and weird :o

Now it’s your turn. A few questions to consider:

  • How long were you on here including lurking time?
  • What have you gained/got from this site?
  • Did you ever recognize a coworker? Did someone recognize you?
  • Have you met anyone live? Were they how you imagined them to be?
  • Do you go on it while at work?
  • Do you think my obsession with allnurses' is bodering on unhealthy? Care to diagnose my condition pysch nurses?

EDIT: In the few minutes it took me to write this thread – 6 more people registered. It is now 508,771. Cool! Hello & Welcome.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.
Hey!! I resemble that remark!!

:p lalalalala

Specializes in Critical Care (ICU/CVICU).

I've been all nurses since 2008...when I was still a prenursing student. I didn't lurk for long though! My first post was about getting in to one of the Nursing programs in my area! This site has taught me soooooooo much and I felt ahead of the game when I started school. I'm on this site practically everyday, and I never get tired of it! Fast forward to May 31st 2011, and I'm now a BSN graduate, just hired, and taking my NCLEX tomorrow! All the support here is truly amazing. When I start work I will probably still go on allnurses (very discreetly), but on my smart phone not on a computer. I have actually met someone from allnurses! She was looking for a BSN program and I told her about mine, so now she is in the class behind me. I still go to all the pages! Pre-nursing, Nursing student, general, NCLEX, Texas Nurses, Nurse gear, heck even men in nursing lol. I LOVE YOU ALLNURSES!

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

I joined during my first year of nursing school when the site came up after a google search. Didn't lurk. Why on Earth would I settle for reading other people's opinions when I could be expressing my own, far more interesting ones? (JK. Well, sorta...)

I know one other poster's username, having recommended the site to her. I don't go online at work except job related sites for pt education, etc. Heck, I check my work e-mail about twice a year.

I had an interesting interaction with a patient, once, who began addressing me by my username. Which, however, isn't a huge stretch, since (boy, I'm really blowing my anonymity) my real name is Mike, and I am a nurse. But I really, really wanted to ask if she was a member, but was afraid I might be crossing a boundary by doing so. Pt was also a nurse, about my age, and I grew very fond of her during her stay, the way you sometimes do with patients (I wasn't contemplating hitting on her; I've gotten attached to male patients and females way older or younger than me. But some people just resonate, if that makes any sense.)

I've learned a lot on the site, including some things directly related to practice, but mostly a nurse-like way of looking at the world. Fellow members and coworkers alike might find it improbable to hear that I "think like a nurse," but I think it's safe to say I do moreso than I used to. I credit Allnurses with helping me begin to define my philosophy of nursing long before I even knew I needed a philosophy of nursing.

I am not a narcissist. Really, I'm not. Well, I've never been officially diagnosed. And it isn't so much that I'm in love with my own words as that sharing my profound insights and general brilliance is an extension of my service to humanity. I have also never been officially diagnosed as a pathological liar, and really, I think it's more that I have an ambiguous relationship with truth, which itself is kind of an amorphous and variable concept. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I joined in August 2005, didn't bother lurking. I had quit my lucrative graphic design/desktop publishing/publications manager job to take a 50% pay cut and work as an ER tech about 6 months earlier, and was now thinking about a career in nursing. I'd been a paramedic for about 2 years already at this time, so I was looking for info on Excelsior's ADN program; found it here, along with an uber-supportive group in the Distance Learning forum. Ironically, the day I received my RN license was three years to the DAY after I joined allnurses ... joined August 8, 2005 and became an RN on August 8, 2008. :D I love it here!

I've met several people in person on this site, including my roommate at my very recent Army training. We figured out we wanted to be roommates ahead of time, and I am so glad we did -- she is awesome! Some people really had some roommate horror stories during the nine weeks of officer basic. I am very grateful for the supportive and informative folks in the Government/Military forum -- after the selection board, we were all on pins and needles for weeks, waiting to find out if we'd been selected. Quite a few of us were, which is pretty amazing considering they only selected 50-ish nurses nationwide from a pool of 300+ applicants. Wow!

I love allnurses. :)

I joined several weeks ago and I find the site very informative and friendly. My first experience with a nursing forum was less than desirable. (actually I don't believe they are really nurses) I know this is the real deal. Thank you allnurses!

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