new nurse with anxiety attack

Nurses General Nursing


i'm about to start a career in nursing...and this thought worries :o me...what if i make a mistake? what if i don't know what to do?... :confused:...i feel like all those years in school are not enough for the real thing...i would be doing actions that affects peoples' lives!...if i only know how to calm these nerves...oh my goodness!!!!! :eek:

Welcome to the world of nursing. I hope you enjoy it. You have the right attitude for starting your career. You should be afraid. I have been a nurse for 14 years, and I would much much rather work with a new grad nurse that is afraid and consciencious than one that comes in "knowing everything". The best advice I can give you is to ask questions. If you are not sure about doing something, DONT do it. Find someone to help. Be sure you feel comfortable with the orientation you receive and don't get a rush job.

Truth is my dear, you can cause harm, but if you are careful, stay up to date on new topics and your skills; and stay focused on what you are doing, you'll be fine. Let us know how you do!

Don't be afraid to ask, ask, ask. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Believe me,we've all been there, done that. Your teachings may seem fragmented at his time, but it will all come together.I remember feeling like a fraud and i didn't even talk like a nurse so far as discussing diagnosis,symptoms, treatments etc.But i'm here to tell you it will come together. One thing, Don't end your education with graduation. Better yourself on your own. There are always changes and new additions in this field:cool:

I like Zee's chant....

Breathe deeply, tense and relax all of your muscles....and remember....Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)

The grass is green, the sky is blue.....

You'll be fine. You will. Really.

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