New Grad Stupids

Nurses General Nursing


Help! I am a new grad and my co-workers have forgotten what it's like. I'm not sure how this can ethically be done, but I need to hear the stupidest things you experience nurses have done, please.

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.

BBQChick, get out before they drag you down with them. You are the superior nurse, not them. Who knows, they may even feel threatened by your knowledgeability, hence they pick on things like your charting, which is really your thoroughness. It is not a failure to leave and go to a better place...don't throw your pearls before swine (biblical quote, if I remember correctly). And to quote some more stuff "discretion is often the better part of valor." Get out and get somewhere where your talents are appreciate. You're in a no-win situation here--I've seen it happen before.

Like Tiny Tim says, "Bless us (you) all!"

I agree with everybody above who advised you to find another position. This first job can make or break you. Without good support from our coworkers (at least a couple of them) we will drown. I graduated almost a year ago, and I was so overwhelmed at first. I had good support, though. Ask the agency nurses which units are good, and put in for a transfer!

In regard to the nurse who can "assess" 7 patients in 15 minutes, those poor patients are NOT being assessed well! You CAN learn to streamline you assessments to focus on each patient's specific problem, but it'll still take longer than 15 minutes, unless all your patients are unresponsive! (at least it would for me)

The hot topic seems to be tube feedings, so here's mine: (this is NOT as funny as the blue dye incident) Anyway, I was filling a tube feeding container (hard plastic kind) at my old job and talking to the patient at the same time. She was on a vent, and she started laughing and pointing. I wasn't wearing any shoes (casual home situation) and about that time my feet started to feel sticky and warm. I had forgotten to connect the tubing to the bottle and it was going in the top and right out the bottom! Soon she had related the story to everybody, and we all laughed for a long time. Somebody there also almost had me convinced that everybody new had to TASTE the tube feeding since we had to feed the kids that stuff! I'm soooo gullible!

Specializes in Leadership/Critical Care/Surgery/Seniors.

I nurse I once new (a very good one at that), was caring for a multitrauma patient. At that time, we didn't have blood warmers. She put 3 units of PRBC's in the microwave to heat them up. Imagine what the end result was!

I have NEVER laughed soooo hard in all my life!! This was the BEST...every story and every bit of advice A+. I agree with several people...looks like a storm brewing for that new grad, it's wiser to make a change than Fight this....Can you find a mentor? a nurse who's willing to guide you not spoon feed you? Take time to's the nurse who teaches well, gives clues, let's you in on what's going organized but not ridged.It maybe some one in your area or maybe someone you've become aquainted with but off the unit or even works some place else.I had some great mentors and I hope to be considered one at some time. We do eat our young....hopefully we give that up and in the mean time the other nurses will help you mend. Best of luck

I am so sorry that you feel that you are not getting the help and guidance that you need as you are entering the nursing field. I am a full time RN and I also teach part time. I love to have new nurses assigned to me. I have not forgotten what it was like to be starting out new. Just do not give up. I had a horrendous orientation to nursing. a new grad going into a huge busy hospital to work with nurses who were a zillion years old.... BUT, I got the best education from them, and I will never forget how valuable their experience was in helping me learn. If you can see past the gruffness you may be encountering, you will do just fine. Even after 2 years there, as I was leaving to go to another hospital they told me, "stay here one more year and you'll be a GOOD nurse." Just keep a sense of humor. You will need it for your entire career.

I am not exactly a new grad, but I sure must have had a case of the "stupids." I have been in nursing for just the last two-three years. I have been working in the behavioral health field. I am so upset about my day at work yesterday, that I am seriously ready to resign and quit being a nurse. I had to give a patient two IM injections. The one vial was 25mg/ml. The patient was ordered 25 mg, so I knew that I had to give him one cc. There was some left in the vial, so I put the leftover back in the medicine cupboard. (It was actually a single-dose vial) There should have not been any medicine left. The charge nurse disovered the leftover medicine and asked what I did. I told her that I gave him 1 cc and the rest was left over. I was positive that I gave him the correct anount. She was questioning perhaps that I may have had air in the syringe. I really didn't think so. I asked that maybe the pharmacy just had extra in the vial. She said that she didn't think that they would have that much extra in it. (I drew up what was left in the vial, it was a half of a cc.) Now I am questioning myself. I did have some vision problems awhile ago, and perhaps they are returning. I have a chronic illness and it has affected my eyes before. I definitely injected him with one cc, but was it all medicine. There was no problem with the other injection which was also 1cc. I should have questioned it myself when there was so much leftover in the one vial. It was an anitpsychotic medicine, which I incidently give to my brother on a regualr basis. I'm sure the charge nurse thinks that I am a complete idiot. I am ready to go in tomorrow and give my notice. I am feeling quite incompetent to be a nurse. I just wish that I would have showed her the syringes before I gave the shots. But, I think it is time for me to quit nursing. I really cannot afford to quit, but I don't want to be responible for hurting somebody. I don't know what I did exactly, but I learned a lesson here - you whould always verify your syringes with another nurse.

Dear jllpn,

Do not resign. Your only mistake here was in not throwing away a single dose vial. Many times there is some extra med in the vial- so you can squirt a little out to get bubbles out or what not. I am surprised your manager did not know that. So, don't worry I am sure you gave 1cc as well- there was just some left over. Throw the single dose vial away when you have given a dose.

While I think having someone else verify syringes is a good idea, I give well over 15-20 IV meds each day, I don't think I could find anyone always willing to verify that much. Stick to your guns (or syringes in this case). You gave the right amount.

Specializes in Leadership/Critical Care/Surgery/Seniors.


Quit beating yourself up! I don't think you made a mistake either, and even if you did...always remember....we all make mistakes at some time or another. Sounds to me like your manager is making accusations without firm evidence to back them up. Give yourself a break. Our profession needs people like you who show concern and responsibility.

OK, I must share this one- for all those who feel really stupid. Today I set up an a line with the intern. The pt already had a CVP transduced, so I figured I would be nice to the noc's RN and change ALL the lines. so I get the pressure tubing for the a line all set up- I go to do the CVP, and I think, well, the line has 2 more days, while the bag had to be changed today- SOOO, I pull the spike right out of the cvp bag, while it is still pressurized (300 pounds per inch). of course I showered myself, the pt and the intern with normal saline at a very fast rate. the pt was totally unharmed and not alert, so no problem there. I admit, after my initial shock, I laughed so hard I cried. Alas, I too, am not perfect, and feeling a little sub-human at the moment! smile.gif

bbqchick, Oh yikes find another job. You may have noticed most of us have changed jobs several times. You'll find your niche. You WILL develop YOUR style. You will get a gut instinct. You will make a difference in peoples lives. It seems to me from reading what you've wrote...that you care. That's the key.

I know it's frustrating I think we've probably all been there(right nurses?). We've all worked with snakes as some point in time.

Pretty soon you'll KNOW you have what it takes to be a great nurse. You won't let others deny it. Have you gotten your first "Thank You" from a pt. Something special they gave you to let you know you made a difference to them. The paperwork will always be there..don't sweat it and don't feel intimidated.

I think the nursing profession is the most demanding, gut wrenching, soul searching, self doubting, enlightening, caring, touching, inspiring job there is.

Live it, grow in it and walk away at the end of the day KNOWING you did your best.

and I bet you'll make it.

During my clinicals in nursing school, i had the opportunity to give my first sq injection. Of course, i was peeing in my pants from anxiety, but i knew that I had to play it cool. So, with my instructor breathing down my neck, i gave the injection, and then i let go of it, and left it dangling from the man's arm. Talk about a good way for me to get the boot!!!! My first IM injection was also a disaster. I injected it into his Gluteal muscle, (thank god that he couldn't see me), and then my teacher said "draw back", and so I tried to pull it out before i even injected it. I totally forgot about aspirating. Luckily my teacher put her hand on mine, so i didn't pull it out. Talk about feeling like a retard. I never thought i would make it out here, but somehow, i got it together. I have been a RN for about 1.5 years as a charge nurse on a med surg unit. I have had to learn how to sink or swim!!!!!! Good luck! Remember, you never stop learning!!!!

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