indwelling urinary catheter protocol

Nurses General Nursing


Hello i need advice on protocol when a catheter has become dislodged.This morning a male patients catheter became dislodged with 10cc balloon fully inflated. Moderate amount of active bleeding present post incident. No visible tear to meatus. When should reinsertion of new catheter be done. Should i wait several hours to allow for traumatized area to recover or reinsert immediately. Thanks in advance.

In my experience I have always called the doctor and found out what he wants to do. When it causes bleeding it can leak urine around the site so ive always just clarified

Thank you .This occurrence happened @0630am just prior to change of shift this morning 11-7/ 7-3 and oncoming nurse implied i should have reinserted , but i wasn't comfortable with that and passed it on to 7-3 RN supervisor. Next time i'll call the Doctor.

Specializes in Pedi.

I agree with the previous poster, I would call the MD and obtain a new order. I would also say it would depend on WHY the foley was in in the first place.

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