i am living proof of second chances

Nurses General Nursing


After being on an unpaid leave for a month from severe anxiety , I received the best news of my life. I was offered a different position within the network! I was offered a psych position. I am a little nervous about take downs and giving tranquilizing drugs. Any words of wisdom from psych nurses?

Specializes in Medical Surgical/Addiction/Mental Health.

First, congrats on your new position. I do a few different things, but I also did them in other specialties I worked. I approach the patient from the side, speak is a soft voice, and I am sincere when I ask how their day is going or if there is anything I can do for them. I do the same when I pass medications. I make certain to open the packages in front the patient when passing medications while also explaining the purpose of the medications. I have not had any problems as of yet. In fact, I am often times called to deescalate patients. Really, it's all about the tone and presence you set.


Psych is what you make of it. Many nurses chose to hide out and just pass meds.

If your facility does not offer a CPI (crisis prevention and intervention)course , take one on your own.

Do you have security in the facility ,or is the staff responsible for take downs?

You are wise to be concerned about administering psychotropic medications.

Hopefully, your facility offers the pharmaceutical training you need to become proficient. If not.. learn the main categories of psych drugs and remember the side effects are the REAL problem with this drug class.

Good luck, keep us posted!

Many, Many congrats!

Psych is a really interesting area of nursing. That is just awesome!

Let us know how it goes!

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