HELP! Question for you OB/GYN nurses

Nurses General Nursing


I really need some advice. I have severe cramping with periods and a hx of ovarian cysts. I have had diagnostic laps and I had my right ovary, and both fallops removed last year. My periods have changed in the last 6 months, sometimes missing one, sometimes spotting, and last month, had 3 in one month. I am in incredible pain and my period isn't due for another week.

I was supposed to have a hyst. this month, but changed jobs and couldn't do it, financially. I have March cleared with the new boss, who luckily had one herself and understands what I am going thru.

I need relief! What can I do????? I am deathly allergic to the entire drug class that Motrin and Alleve are in. Anaphylaxis allergic reaction. Do you nurses who deal with this kind of thing have any secrets to pain relief that doesnt' include crying to the ER? My doc has pretty much told me he isn't going to play with me, cause I have put the surgery off for over 2 years. I have been a non compliant nurse/patient (big suprise?) and am now up against the wall. Suggestions, please????

Get that HYST ASAP! Only things I can think of is Tylenol, since you cant do motrin, warm baths, and hot packs. What about the pill? I'm sure you already tried that tho. I knew one gal that took the depo shot to alleviate the stuff. What about herbal remedies? I'm so sorry you are feeling so crappy!

A friend with endometriosis is having great results with accupuncture. A bit off the wall, but can't hurt. She's also taking some herbal supplements.

What kind of herbal remedies? I refuse the depo shot because I don't do well on the pill, and if I don't like the depo shot, I can't stop it the way you can the pill. I don't need to gain 20lb and be nauseous all the time, and moody, and have to live with it for 3 months.

My big worry is that my doc has tagged me as either a cry wolf person or worse as a drug seeker. I have lived on 12-20 lortabs a month for about 6 months now. Last month, I asked for meds twice and that is when they told me to either have the surgery or shut up. I am actually embarassed at the thought of them thinking I am a drug seeker.

Hey leo woman...:)

go to

and order the essential oil Helichrysum...It's quite expensive, but you can dilute it w/olive or almond oil and it will last about a year...It truly works...You apply it to your wrists, stomach/ovarian area and temples and also inhale it as an aromatherapy tool...Pls give it a won't regret it!!!

She uses gossypol, which I am not sure is legal in the US or in Canada for that matter. It's been used in China for some time she says (she is Chinese and I don't know if she gets them here or when she goes to HK). I found a website that talks about it and other possible remedies

Maybe you could try something to help you until march.

Looks like cotton roots have a similar effect and that page lists a ton of herbs you could probably just go to a health store and buy

did you know that just one drop of essential oil (pure European essential that is rigorously tested for purity and content) contains several pounds of herbs and/or flowers...? This oil will take away any pain w/in 10 min AND it's been tested....Dr. Gary Young (who owns learned a lot of his medicine from the Lakota Indians....

Thank you Zorya and fergus51. Am looking at the websites right now.

BTW, Zorya, I am not a Leo, but if recent happenings are what they seem to be, I am now a Leo's woman. Grin.

your welcome!!!

Well Leo's can certainly be interesting people to be involved with...(I'm 1/2 Leo myself)

They are usually very faithful and kind...But you have to treat them like royalty...(and spoiled royalty at that) and oh yeah, never back them into a corner or they come out roaring, and it gets awfully loud......:eek: I truly believe the oil will help your cramping/pain...It's always worked for me...It's an awesome holistic tool!!!

Good Luck

LOL!!! How can you be 1/2 Leo? LOL!!

I am taking Agnucaston. a pure herbal medicin.

I had ovarian cysts, heavy cramping etc.

I am taking this since 2 months, cramps are normal and most of the cysts are gone!

(have to look the English name for the herb up though, in German it is called "Mönchspeffer-Frucht")

edited to add, the name is: chaste tree

botanic name: vitex agnus-castus

found quite a lot of information under:

Hope this helps you! Take care, Renee

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