Has being a nurse made you tougher in other aspects of life?

Nurses General Nursing


I just wonder if it's my age or if being a nurse has turned me into a person who can't take crap like I used to. I guess I've always kind of been a little "edgy" but I never used to show it, I'd wait until I was alone to get riled up and fighting mad.

Now, I let it out wherever.

I was at the grocery store yesterday, and I have been without one of those "discount" cards for awhile, so I asked for another one. It was this snotty old woman behind the counter, and she was being downright rude and argumentive. To make a long story short, I ended up telling her off in a loud booming voice and telling her where she could put that discount card. I noticed her demeanor changed when she saw me get angry but I still called the manager when I got home.

And I'm writing a letter today, too.

I went from a quiet, bumbling, good-natured person to Annie Wilkes in the blink of an eye...and I don't regret it.

Specializes in PICU.

Interesting thread.

I have to say that whether it's age or my years in a high acuity environment where I have to be assertive at times, I have definitely learned to speak my mind. Thankfully, I am usually able to be quieter when I'm really upset and I know that I have to keep my cool. But when you are rude or do something way out of line, nope, I'm not going to let you get away with it most days.

No, it was this old lady behind the register at Food Lion. She wasn't "old" old, but probably in her 60's. She wore a lot of make up and did not look like a cashier but I know she is one because she has been there several years. She dresses in nice clothes and wears jewelry (looks like real jewelry, not infomercial jewelry). I am assuming she is a housewife who is looking for something to keep her busy. She drives a nicer car than I can afford to drive.

Anyhow, I guess since they earn minimum wage I should understand when they talk to me like I'm a piece of welfare trash.

Sorry, I don't.

I know that's what she thinks, and I do go in there with raddy clothes and my hair not brushed (I don't care about looking how other people think I should look.) She just looked me up and down with disdain, she didn't realize I'm an educated woman who might be eccentric but I'm not a piece of trash like she was hoping I was.

Did I mention people who are sappy and kissy-kissy get on my nerves? No way was I in there wanting to have my butt kissed.

Anyway, as she rang up my groceries I mentioned I either needed to get a discount card or borrow a card. She looked disgusted and said do you have a card? I said yes and she said why do you need another one? I told her my husband had been keeping my other one and she kept on, she said when you sign up you get three of them.

The thought flashed across my mind that I had been shopping at this store 12 years and in that time I felt lucky to still have the one but it made me too mad. I wasn't there for an argument and to be scolded over a stupid discount card, and that's where I lost it. Showed my you-know-what like a donkey, but then I'm supposed to understand how she was justified in the way she acted because she is making minimum wage. I like how people assume I don't know what it's like to work a minimum wage job and she is forced to do what she is doing against her will, with her arm twisted back and her face pressed against the cash register.

And did I mention I am very polite to wait staff, for that matter (I don't know why it was brought up but it's kind of funny how people assume you're one of those kinds of people because you tell off some person in a minimum wage service job.)

Yes, because they are in minimum wage service jobs they should be able to dish it out and everyone else should take it since they work for less than others do.

I'd do it again, and the only thing I regret is that I didn't show my end more.

I totally agree with this post. I would not boast about flipping out at a cashier.

Oh yes, I'm boasting, I'm so proud I was treated like a piece of crap. It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

My recent cashier story:

She licked her fingers on each plastic bag she had to open AND handled my food with those same saliva-covered phalanges.

When she was done, I said, "just a minute", and went to customer service to tell them what occurred. The manager was told and asked me how this situation could be remedied.

I said maybe you can figure out a solution while you figure out what to do with those groceries. I said good day and walked out. (I did not purchase the goods)

I was at Captain D's and they wrap their silverware in napkins. I noticed the woman behind the window had a runny nose and she was wrapping silverware. She would wipe her nose and go right back to wrapping silverware, with the same hands. Wrap, wipe, wrap, wipe...I wanted to throw up.

Specializes in CCU & CTICU.

I don't know about tougher, but I definitely think I've mellowed out. Unless it's a life-or-death situation, I don't worry much at all anymore. I would panic about and dread things (appointments, meetings, exams) for weeks. And I'm not afraid to do certain things anymore. I used to shake in my boots at the thought of giving a speech, going to a big interview, etc.

One day I realized that I could easily kill someone at work, but I'm not afraid to go to work. Why should I be afraid of an interview? I'm not going to be handing out potentially fatal meds there. And poof! All my anxiety about those kind of things was gone.

Oh, and I appreciate and cherish my family & friends and my time with them more.

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