Fired from my med/surg job after almost 3 years

Nurses General Nursing


I was on vacation last week and came back to work my shift at the hospital 7p-7a on Sunday night. I was informed Sunday afternoon that I had been suspended and not to come into work. I was told that I needed to come to the hospital at that moment and talk with the nurse manager and director. :confused: I came in the following morning and waited almost 4 hours to see the director. When I finally walked into his office (I got tired of waiting) I was told he was too busy and I needed to see the nurse manager. I then went to the nurse manager office where I was told that I needed to go to HR. I asked "are you firing me?" She said that she, in good conscience could not allow me to come back to work.

I have excellent people skills, have never been late and sick one time (brought in a doctor note). I have (what I believe) excellent assessment skills as well. The floor I worked on is absolute chaos. I have managed quite well. This was my first nursing job but I am middle aged so this was by no means my only job. Here is why I was let go: We are to do assessments on each patient every 8 hours. That meant that I SHOULD have come in at 7pm and given my meds and sat around (like most others). However I always did my assessments between 7-10 because if something happened to the patient I would have the assessment completed. Anyway I was told that my downfall was I should have copied and pasted the assessment into the 11p-7a timeframe or have done it at that time. THEY FIRED ME FOR THIS. I had done this previously on occassion. I explained that the night said occurance took place I had 2 admissions and a women who thought she was having a heart attack. I also did not take a dinner break in over 12 hours.

I have been upset for days. They told me to write a resignation letter and it will not look so bad. I can also use them for references. I also made NO MONEY and the floor is always short. I am so hurt by this. I worked very well with the nurses on that floor. I welcomed new grads with open arms. The nurse manager even told me "everybody loves you". It has broken my heart and I am trying not to let it break my spirit as well. I have cried for days over this. I miss my coworkers. I miss my patients. I miss the culture. Please someone write me some words of wisdom to help me get over this. My heart is breaking right now.:crying2:

I need to turn in my letter this week but I dread going to the floor to see everyone. She promised that she would say I resigned so that no one would know I was fired.

I am so worried that I will not find another job now due to the economy. Sorry this is scattered but I have been upset for days. Thank you for your kindness in reading this.

I went through something similar with the agency I worked with. They decided to put me on "inactive" status for something very stupid. So I was not able to get the double time for Easter. I was ****** off and depressed because I REALLY needed the money.

You are not alone. Just have yourself a good cry and go on to search for another job. If I were you, I would turn in the resignation letter.

Omg? I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers are with you. Understandable the fear, upset,humility,etc. Just renew your licensed when time is up. My employer say I will be terminated if licensed is not renewed by the end of the month. I have been having difficulty with fingerprinting process. Because I procrastinated mailed it late, late late. I have serious troubles. I am praying ,everything and to make matters even more worse Mond is a holiday. I could really kick myself. I am very hard on me. Stupid me. So, just keep your licensed up to date. YOU will get another job. Let me go cry and ask God for help again.:crying2::crying2::crying2::crying2:

There is NO benefit to you in writing a letter of resignation. It would only serve to harm you.

File for unemployment and be prepared for your claim to be denied and be prepared to appeal the denial. Hopefully you will find another position sooner than later, because if unemployment is as meager in your state as it is in Louisiana ($247 per week and less than that in Mississippi), your days unemployed will be difficult.

The main thing I want so desperately to impart to you is this: Damn good nurses get fired EVERYDAY for NO good reason. Innumerable false "reasons" are given for firing them. The actual reasons have to do with baser aspects of human nature, such as supervisors who feel threatened by competent employees. Organizations that cultivate dishonest atmosphere where cutting corners and falsifying records are threatened by employees who demonstrate integrity.

It is a wretched thing to be fired for no GOOD reason from a job you have enjoyed and done well. The wretchedness is compounded by the super difficult economic problems our country is facing.

Keep your head up and carry yourself with pride and dignity. Be prepared for people to be make unflattering assumptions about you solely on the basis of your having been fired. Be prepared to be rejected for employment because you have been fired. Keep in mind that the organizations that reject you are probably not organizations that you really want to work for anyway. Keep your head up.

This is not a fun or happy situation to experience. I know you must be fiercely disappointed right now. Disappointment can weigh so heavily that it feels like failure. It is not failure.

As trite as it sounds, this can be a time for tremendous personal growth. You can find yourself utterly devastated and you can stay defeated and distraught OR you can pause and try to see just what you can learn from this situation. All you can do is all you can do. You can do nothing more. What's meant to be will be. Things will work out for you.

Yes, this is the voice of experience talking to you.

I like another nurse here on the forum, was a victim of Mission Hospitals in Asheville, NC after 10 years of devoted service. Approaching age 50 and having some chronic health problems,and under a lot of stress due to a sick elderly parent, loss of another parent, and going through a divorce. I too was constantly "in the hot seat" and written up for penny ante stuff and finally terminated. However when I applied for unemployment, I was denied benefits, I was told by the employment security commission that Mission told then I had not renewed my nursing license and let it lapse. This is totally false. I have proof from the board. I had renewed my license on time and Mission has this cocamamie policy of having you renew it a month or so ahead of time. My birthmonth falls in a month with 3 or 4 bank holidays in it. I renewed online after I got home from work the day before the deadline but the next 4 days were bank holidays and the BON and banks were closed so 1. my debit card did not clear till tuesday and 2. the BON website shows I renewed on time but "cant be official since debit has not cleared bank" (due to holiday of course) I couldnt pay earlier, because I had to pay my mortgage and my auto insurance. Now thanks to them I have been without a Job since June. (and I renewed in Feb,) and only $10 to my name and not a single job offer, I have must have applied for 50-75 jobs. Another nurse was done this way 18 mos ago and she hasnt found work yet and neither has another in 2 years. Something fishy is going on up on the hill! (also I am pro union and they knew it and I also knew about unsafe practices going on also)

There was a reason you were let go. Your manager gave you a directive and you did not follow it.

Whether the policy itself does not make sense, or you forgot... you did not follow her directive.

That won't be tolerated in any facility. The peons would then be running the show.

I agree it stinks, but if you look at it from administrations point of view, you may be able to make some sense of it.

Personally I would have resigned, anything but have a termination on my record. The measly unemployment would not be worth that mark on my employment record.

Sounds like you are getting right back on the horse.. that is exactly what you need and kudos to you.

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