Fabulous Idea!!!!

Nurses General Nursing



PLEASE NOTE: We have moved this discussion to the

Million Nurse March Forum

Please post all responses in the new forum. Thanks


Hey, Barbara Rose, on another posting suggested something that I think we all should think about! What about organizing a rally like the Million Mom March only for nurses in protest of unsafe healthcare? If we did something like this it would bring the issues into the public eye in a way that we can't do alone! How could the media ignore several thousand of us getting together? If we were all to attend and bring along another nursing friend or two, how many do you suppose we could gather? I think that if the public had any idea of what was really going on in healthcare facilities and how it affects THEM, it would become an issue which they could relate to as opposed to just a nursing issue. Imagine what this could result in if we all got together for this cause?!

Anyone interested in working on this, and planning the details, post away! What I am proposing is that we would meet in one city, and hold a march much like the million mom idea. We'd need a core theme, which I feel should be unsafe healthcare, and all of the other issues such as unsafe staffing, manadatory overtime etc.. would fall under this idea.

I for one, think that we need to take action. I am tired of feeling this way, hating my working conditions and feeling hopelessly overworked, and I know that I am not alone in thinking that the profession is in need of some strong unity, and needs to be heard in a way that a single individual just can't accomplish alone.

So dear readers, how about it? Let's go for it!

[This message has been edited by bunky (edited August 18, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by bshort (edited September 19, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by bshort (edited September 19, 2000).]

Okay bunky, (or is it spunky bunky), I agree with you 100% We need to let the public know about the conditions they will be hospitalized under. After all, healthcare isn't something that only affects a few people, it affects everyone, if not now then sometime in the future. I also agree that organizations out there like the ANA and some unions have done nothing to help this. If they have such political clout and backing and really care about what's going on with patients as well as with nurses then why aren't they making sure this message is getting out to the consumers of healthcare. I'm tired of having others speak for nurses and we all should be. If we can take care of critically ill patients, make minute by minute assessments and act on them independently to keep someone alive or save a life then I think we are quite capable of speaking for ourselves. We don't need a bunch of people who haven't stepped foot in a hospital in decades or at all, who are not right there at the bedside 24/7 to speak for us. It has to be US. The ones who are actually there all the time and who experiance the fallout from decisions made by others who don't have a clue. This is definitely feasable. Look at the million mom march or the march on Washington. But I fear that a one time thing like that gets in the news, it's a big deal, "Look at all those nurses marching" ect. then everyone forgets about it. Politicians and public alike. Things also have to be done at local levels to make an impact on the patients each of us sees. When it's done on a national level (ie; march on Washington etc), a lot of people think, oh that's not happening here where I live. It needs to get more personal. The public needs to know, yes it's happening in your own backyard! The hospital that you go to when you need care! We need to be putting things in our local newspapers, rallying in our local communities to really bring it home. Giving the public the information they need so they can also contact their politicians that represent them. I'm not saying a march or rally on a grander scale wouldn't be any good, but I think we need to do both. The public needs to know exactly what nurses do. Giving bedpans, ice water, fixing the sheets, that's only a small part of what we do (as we know!). What about going through patients charts, reviewing their meds with the lab results and diagnosis. That each and everytime we walk into a room we're assessing them. Putting all the pieces together to notice when there's been a change, no matter how subtle, in their condition and that we act upon it. They need to know how nurses are educated. What kind of courses do we take. How much we actually have to know about pathophysiology, anatomy, chemistry etc. Not that we just learned the basics of how to give a bedbath or give injections etc. How are we supposed to do all that continuously when we are short staffed? That when nurses leave the profession it's not because of money (that's another subject!), but because we feel we cannot give them the appropriate care they deserve and are paying for because there aren't enough of us to do it properly.

I do agree that's a bit tacky to say we're short staffed and leave it at that. But if a patient is upset that I didn't get to them right away I do tell them why. If I had an emergency I tell them that. I explain that I need to put things in priority and while their needs are important, and important to me, if I have a number of patients that need things and there is only one of me, I need to go to the most pressing problem first. I have not had one person not understand this. I've also started giving myself credit when credit is do. When pts. say things like "My doctor did a potassium on me and said it was too high and I could've been in real trouble. He said it was due to my pills. Thank God he did that. He changed my medicine. He really knows his stuff", I tell the truth and say "Yeah, I was going over your meds and noticed you hadn't had a potassium done for awhile and added it to your labs. I thought maybe it was too high" I'm not dr. bashing here, but I think the patient needs to know that this is something that nurses do. All disciplines work together toward one goal, getting and keeping the patient well. I hope this helps them better understand what a nursing shortage really means. Boy, was I long winded! Anyway, I'm behind you bunky.

please count me in. i think that is a wonderful idea. where i work if you even mention getting together for a cause, such as more nurses or more money you will be fired. I think this is the perfect time for this because of the shortage. please email me directly, to that i can give you my address and a few others.


michelle moore

icu nurse

Thanks for the support Rosemary. The thing that I am finding difficult about all of this is knowing just how far to take things.

You see, while I admire what Pat says that she did, I CAN'T afford to lose my job, no matter how crappy it is, my kids come before anything else and I simply won't lose my job to improve it without ME being the one to quit VS being fired. I am also a single parent and providing for my kids HAS to come before improving my working conditions, so I really can't see myself out in front of the hospital handing out flyers. I can see myself participating in some sort of a public education campaign telling people what exactly is going on though, and why they need nurses as you so admirably outlined.

So...Pat and Barb, please tell me how to go about any of this. I am willing to write and go to DC if necessary to make the point that nurses are needed, and that safe staffing guidelines HAVE to be drawn up for safety.

What is one of the things we do everyday? Patient Education! The patient is the public and they need educating. Count me in, gang!

As for how to do this... How about those of us who couldn't make it to Washington, do make it to our respective state capitals on the same day as the Washington march? Just a thought.

As for a theme... how about "Nurses for Safe Nursing"? Also just a thought.

In the mean time... e-mail! e-mail! e-mail! Get the word out!

[This message has been edited by TravelingTexan (edited August 29, 2000).]

While I do agree that we need some political actions, we also need to start taking action from the inside out. Let's start by not accepting unsafe assignments based on census and/or acuity, filling out high risk screens when unsafe conditions exist. Document, document, document. The more silent we remain on paper the more a deaf ear can be turned. We must begin to demand change for ourselves and our patients. Just Say No! Start treating your institutions for what they have become namely a corporation. Unfortunately we are allowing, yes allowing ourselves to be treated like manual labor rather than true professinals. Something to think about, do patients and hospital management identify you by first name? What about the reverse? Food for thought. We need to elevate ourselves first.

Hey Bunky!!Great idea! I have been trying to get RN's fired up here in the Ann Arbor, MI area for a while now! I am so tired of the whining!! However, when one proposes doing something about the condition of nursing in our society all of a sudden everyone wimps out! I tell you one thing--if the health care industry treated MD's the way they do nurses the AMA would have a field day! Where is our beloved ANA??? It is going to take a new breed of nurse and a new dedicated group of activists to get something done! I am willing to do whatever it takes--and NO, I am not some militant weirdo! I am just a professional person who has worked in a variety of fields in nursing and is disgusted with the lack of respect, lack of concern, lack of pay/benefits and lack of safety in our work places! Please feel free to contact me as I have seriously considered starting my own website and have begun to receive some support from nurses I am currently in school with (pursuing BSN to MSN degrees)! Contact me!

Tjis is agreat idea. I have a few ideas on how to organize this. first, you need inity, not a few nurses all over the place. why not (using all of the people who replied on this forum dive up and get all the states represented? getting representitivers for states n0ot covered in this forum shouldn't be too hard. If possible, break each state up into regions. for example, If i were in charge of informing theSouthern NJ nurses, I would be responsible for getting out a bulliton to all hospitals, and yes, nursing schools because we're still young and idealistic, wehaven't been burnd by yhe system tot he point of complacency yet, thast on a SPECIFIC date we are all to email bush and Goire, write articles for the major newspapers, and infrom about a march which is set on a specific date oh, say, RIGHT BEFORE ELECTION in WASHINGTON! Treat this project like a corporation would and delegate. Bunky, since it was your idea acts as president and oversees hge whole project. this way the more people who are actively working towards this in an ORGANIZD way no one has to take an undoable burden. First, Bunky, set your dates and the exact details. write up the campaign and select your state representitives. This is totally doable.

To get your state reps, start your own database of email addresses and home addresses. I'll give you my info if you decide this is a good plan of action.


First of all, I just want to say that I commend all of you for your efforts thus far. I am a senior year nursing student and I believe strongly in what you are trying to do. Upon completion of this message I am going to send messages to all of the presidential candidates as well. I just wanted to add that there is another site that some of you may be familiar with called "Nursing Spectrum". It is a really good site as well and there has been much discussion about organizing a type of million nurse march (or something of the sort) at this site as well. I will post the email address and under the "search" box just put "march" and you will see that there are discussions committed to this topic. I just thought that maybe if you could get in touch with other individuals on that board concerning this issue, it might help unite nurses undertaking this idea. Hope it helps!


Best of luck to you!


How about some media exposure. I've emailed the 3 major networks asking for exposure concerning the Nursing shortage. Let's start our own media blitz with their help.

I haven't dropped off the face of the earth! My computer just went a bit haywire for awhile there, and I have felt so naked without it! Ha! Ha!

Everyone is posting great suggestions! ME I understand an appreciate totallly that you're not some "militant wierdo" and I am nervous about that element getting involved. I'm not either just for the record. They can't prove I made those bomb threats! LOL.

Nanjam, I particularly liked writing to the media eg a show like that Hopkins 24/7? Why is it all about doctors and what THEY face? At least they are payed fairly for their work! Even when you ask a doctor about it, (and I do believe me!) when they start whining, I tell them, "I'll trade you jobs and paycheques" and they quickly shut up. I think that maybe the media is a great place to go to for some representation.

Shannon thank you for including that other link to nursing spectrum! I haven't seen it yet but will ASAP. I want to hear what others are proposing on this idea.

I will also try the media route and see if I get any response or interest there, and I'll keep you all posted on what I get back.

Hey everybody! Seems like I've been gone forever, but I haven't forgotten this topic! I have noticed that Nursedude hasn't posted re this and I'm wondering if you would care to share your thoughts re all of this, and offer any suggestions. Don't try to spare us, ha-ha. I know we can count on you for an honest assessment, Nursedude. Thanks smile.gif

The Nursing shortage and it's sometimes unfortunate results have been addressed this a.m. on NBC's Homepage as a result of an article in the Chicago Tribune. Check it out. Let's keep this subject exposed in the media!

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