Cancer and Cellular Phones

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Do you believe there is a correlation between Cancer and Cellular Phones?

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My Major is nursing and I am doing a paper on whether or not there is a correlation between cancer and cellular phones.

1. Do you think there is a correlation between brain cancer and the use of cellular phones?

a) yes

b) no

c) no opinoin

2. If there was a correlation between the two, would you:

a) stop using the cell phone completely

b) not use it as much

c) use an adapter so the phone isn't near your head

d) make no changes

3. How often do you use your cellular phone?

a) more than 1,000 minutes a month

b) between 500-1,000 min

c) between 100-500

d) less than 100 min per month

4. Do you use your cellular phone as your primary phone (i.e. don't have a regular phone at home)

a) yes

b) no

5. Please leave any of your personal opinoins below

Thank for your time :D

Some of the studies I've read seem to indicate that there is a correlation. I used to have a cell that would make my face feel like it had a sunburn after I'd talked for a few minutes. Got rid of it and bought one that was rated lower in radiation. If I know it's going to be a long call, more than a minute or two, I use the ear bud thingy.

Hmmmm... I've heard about this, but have yet to lay my eyes on a concrete study or any informational material. I'm not really worried about it, I'm not a phone person. My plan allows me 75 free minutes a month, and I've only ever exceeded that one time.

It is not my primary phone. Hubby did suggest this once, as we have a primary and 2 cells, but the idea was just too weird.

I probably wouldn't decrease my cell use, as I already use it the bare minimum.

Interesting about being rated for radiation though. I'll have to look through the paper work for mine.


I have heard little snippets here and there about it, but nothing ever concrete. Until I do, I doubt I'll change.

We have 500 free minutes and my hubby exceeds that all the time....I never have. I only have my cell on if I am at a store and the kids are home...otherwise, I figure if I'm at work, call me there, if I am anywhere with a phone, use that phone, not my cell.....

But hubby....boy, that's another story....everybody and their brother has that number and calls him all the time......or he calls them.....

Specializes in Trauma and Pediatrics.

I have read about these alleged findings in the paper and have also watched some local news story regarding the cell phone radiation resulting in cancer....however. I don't believe there is enough proofs at this time to back up that theory...

So until then.. (maybe it will be too late!) I will continue to use my cell phone! my home telephone bill has been cut down dramatically since I started using my cell primarily to make outgoing calls.... I have 300 minutes peak.....3000 minutes night and weekend.. Free Long Distance.... so I use it all the time!

1. Do you think there is a correlation between brain cancer and the use of cellular phones?

a) yes

2. If there was a correlation between the two, would you:

c) use an adapter so the phone isn't near your head

3. How often do you use your cellular phone?

b) between 500-1,000 min

4. Do you use your cellular phone as your primary phone (i.e. don't have a regular phone at home)

a) yes

5. Please leave any of your personal opinoins below

I think all forms of high electromagnetic radiation are dangerous. I personally don't like having the phone a few mm from my brain!

my gosh this is scary since i often use my mobile or cellphone.

it does gives me headaches sometimes after a long chat

Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.
Originally posted by Julielpn

I have heard little snippets here and there about it, but nothing ever concrete. Until I do, I doubt I'll change.

We have 500 free minutes and my hubby exceeds that all the time....I never have. I only have my cell on if I am at a store and the kids are home...otherwise, I figure if I'm at work, call me there, if I am anywhere with a phone, use that phone, not my cell.....

But hubby....boy, that's another story....everybody and their brother has that number and calls him all the time......or he calls them.....

Hmmmmmmmmmmm....I think we are married to the same guy!!! :eek: :D :lol2:

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