Being a Team Player

Many nurses want to advance in their careers. Few go into the nursing profession planning on being a floor nurse forever. Unfortunately, many fail to learn the very basic principle of how to be a team player. Nurses General Nursing Article

I was fortunate to have been oriented to the world of nursing by wonderful team players. They considered the work to be everyone's work. They were highly organized nurses who put the patient's needs first. If there was work to be done, it didn't matter to whom it was assigned.

Not all nurses work according to this principle. There will always be those who, when their assigned work is completed, are not willing to help others. I have heard comments such as "she never helps me, why should I help her?"

Early on I tried to differentiate between coworkers that I loved to work with and those that frustrated me. I carefully looked at all of their traits to determine whose work ethic to emulate. The nurses that I most loved working with were ultimate team players. They not only asked if you needed help, they anticipated what you would need and just jumped in to help. No strings attached.

I believe that learning to be a team player has allowed me to advance in my organization. I never use the phrases "It's not fair" or "It's not my fault". We all know life isn't fair; there is really no need to point it out or whine about it. I also believe in taking personal responsibility for one's actions (which could be the topic of another article!). If I made a decision or did something, I took responsibility for it. It didn't matter if it was good or bad, I owned up to it. Unfortunately, the majority of people do not do this.

When a position would open within our facility, I would often hear people complaining about or at least discussing why certain individuals get promoted, while others languish. Each person is a novice when they start their career. I truly believe after the person has advanced through the novice stage they come to a fork. They can either choose the path of excellence or the path of mediocrity.

Those that choose the path of excellence excel in their field. They are excellent team players, take responsibility for their own actions, and advance their careers. They inspire others just by being around them. Their enthusiasm is infectious. They love what they do and strive to make a difference. They are often chosen for promotions.

Those that choose the path of mediocrity excel at nothing. They just trudge through each day and are there only to collect a payday. They don't take pride in their work. In fact, their work is just a job, it is not a career and it certainly doesn't define who they are. Instead of being inspiring, they are often dreadful to be around. They take no responsibility for their actions and usually will whine that things aren't fair and that it is someone else's fault. They are rarely promoted.

I know what fork in the road that I chose after my novice time was complete. Are you at that fork in the road? Have you long passed it, but realize that you chose the wrong direction? It's never too late to double back, take the right direction, and become a true team player.

To answer a question from one reply: I have been a nurse for 18 years. Med/Surg, L&D, Nursing Supervisor, Nursing Informatics Specialist.

When I referred to "Fork in the road", what I meant was how nurses (?people?) all tend to start out at pretty much the same place - as a new nurse. We all have that initial learning curve. Then some people just level out and never take the initiative to learn more, improve their practice, or become excellent in any way. Others continue to learn, grow, help others and really make you proud that you are a nurse just as they are. I was not referring to any career path and choosing a new job.

I would like to add that I do acknowledge that some places are just BAD places to work (or be a patient!). But I have seen the whole attitude (for better or worse) take a turn when just one or two staff members either come on board or leave. It is amazing. This can happen with staff (and each shift is different) and management. I agree there are many people in managment positions that are not leaders.

Hope that explains things. Great thread. Thanks for the comments!

On my yearly review two years ago my boss said I was not a team player. I asked him why he thought this, surely I am there to help always!

He said it was because I was not approachable. I would not laugh and have fun with the staff....

One day it was very slow, I only had two patients (normal is 7) and we were sitting down and making jokes, talking about the weekend to come.

He told me that was what he wanted to see, was me relaxing, joking and laughing with my co-workers and not taking things so seriously...

I am a team player and always will be, but a team player means different things to me than it meant to my boss I guess.

I totally understand what you are writing! I have not been told that I'm not a team player as you unfortunately have been....but I feel this at the place of employment I work now! Fortunately,with ONLY one group that I rotate with. The other three groups I rotate with are excellent team players and we all take our work seriosly as you do. We are approachable if time permits. I believe pt's are always number one. They, after all, is why we have a job! That sounds callous but when reallity sets in if we have no pt's we have down time at home without pay and definately don't have access to being approached if we are not at work!! LOL!! The other group unfortunatley has their own views and I try very patiently not to JUDGE! It is very challenging to work in this type of environment. We too do try and relax and enjoy each others company when time permits! Unfortunately, most of the time we are all snowed under with the economic times changing and staffing changing constantly causing lack of employees to number of pt's. The ironic thing is we constantly are reminded by e-mails and meetings that our pt's deserve the best care, what can we do to make this better? The nursing, CNA, ratio to pt's have to be equalized but unfortunately we are stretched thinner and thinner. . I love my job! I love hands on and direct patient care. If ONLY I could do this my whole shift verses dealing with the politics, avoiding gossip, and all the paper work (although I know this is a vital necessity in nursing, paperwork). As you stated Everyone has their own perspective on what a TEAM PLAYER IS!! :) That is the the whole POINT of your statement if you don't realize what you typed. EVERYONE including managerial positions have their own views. That is one of our challenges as a nurse to find out what each co-workder we work side by side and with managerial position have to decifer. How they think and what they expect from you as a co-worker or employee. Unfortunately, to my co workers I love to be with the patients and treat with as much TLC as I can even if and when I feel I have a few moments to spare. I will get a warm blanket, back rub, foot massage or just a listening ear. My view is different than many many others but I try not to JUDGE because they are not me! You keep your thoughts positive even with the manager disagreeing that you are not a team player or aprroachable. Take his words in stride. Is any of it true? Maybe just a little? If so we can all change if we have to. ONLY you can decide that. Remain open minded, this is a BIG ONE in nursing! But also do what your GUT instinct is telling you to do. Each co-worker has their own views and that can be very very tricky! Until time is spent working with them it can be a long challenging road to decifer what page they are on! Also, to remember once you think you have someone figured out it can change in a blink of an eye! Obviosly several had to say she's not approachable in order for the manager to determine it to be an issue??? Or maybe he observed this on his own (I'm not sure of your working relationship)??? Or maybe it was just something to say since nothing else was liable to bring up! ?? Interesting observation!! I do not even work with my two managers or in the same building when they work but they do my reviews every 6 months! (Isn't that intersting!!!) To each his own! I too am a very serious person when it comes to my nursing career and license. I'm constantly trying to see if the plan of care for each of my patients is being fulfilled in the highest! Or does another Plan of care have to be implemented!? After all if your mother, father, brother or sister was in the hospital would you too expect them to get the best care! That's how I view my pt's! They are someones mother,father, brother ect... after all aren't they! Socializing and relaxing with my co-workers can be done after work! That is how I was taught but again everyone has their own views and we were always taught to respect one another. Again, do I agree is a whole different picture and what can be done if any? Or is it time to find a job where your beliefs fit in? Just some thoughts. This is ONLY a different view to do as you wish with. I hope it helped! You sound like you have some big shoulders and are on the right track! Good luck with your nursing career. I'm glad you realized that a team player means different things to are thinking on the correct path. You can take it as a positive or a negative! a team player means different things to me than it meant to my boss I guess.

When all is said and done, this is part of the emotional roller coaster all nurses deal with every day (politics)! Yuk and depressing at times but remember why you are in Nursing in the first place! Thanks for sharing! twinklebelle

Specializes in Medical Assisting.

I work somewhere also that doesn't always have the best team players. They say they are, but I know differently. In the mean time, they seem to be looking for any mistake that I make, no matter how minuscule. I try to do my best everyday, but it doesn't seem to matter to them. I'm very glad that I saw your post and how there are others dealing with a similar situation as my own. Is there a way to deal w/ such people, or w/ the catty ones who love nothing more than to revel in your mistakes and/or misery? I'm a pre-nursing student working as a medical assistant and I don't want this to be what keeps me out of a field that is very near and quite dear to my own heart. This I feel is what I'm on earth to do, to help others, to help make their lives a little bit better in some way. What advice would you give to an aspiring nurse who won't be knocked down?:D

You keep on fighting for your beliefs and the policies of your facility,and keeping a tight grasp on your future if that's what you want! Once that license is in your hands you earned it! Learn every day no matter how big or small! There is so so so much to learn! If you ever meet someone that thinks they know it all they have a big ego! They may have earned it! Some love to teach, others don't have the time, others do their jobs and you can learn by watching and listening. On the other side if you find someone that is willing to share everything they know that person will be a great mentor. Remember take it in stride, you are the only one who knows what you can handle! The others that are looking for that minuscule mistake take it as a positive! This will make you a more confident and accurate person if you look at it as a challenge. If you let them or one beat you down they will take away your confidence, make you second guess your dreams and take away who you really want to be! I have learned this so many times. The nurses eat their own really really is true. I see this more than the mentors but thats the generation and or the place you work. I always remember the pt and their families. Do you make a difference for them? That's your answer! Be strong! When someone knocks you down earn their respect if you can by showing them over and over you can do the job! If you can't seem to do nothing right in their eyes forget them; that doesn't mean not try to work with them or not earn their respect but don't dwell on them they will beat you down if you let them! Eventually some come around, you may even make great co-workers, friends, or mutual respect and they might just lay off and leave you alone. I hope this helps! Is it easy????? It's not!! I have some days I could cry :bluecry1: not for what I have done as far as my job, I always, always feel good about that! :redbeathe I trully LOVE NURSING!!! The unfairness, politics, games and cruelty can be very heavy on my shoulders some days! :hdvwl: That's when I reach out for strength from the one's I trully trust or they say put your worries in a little box and send them above and trully let go and he will take care of it for you! Good luck and if you can keep smiling it's catchy! It's the universal language!:):):):):p :hrnsmlys: Twinklebelle