Bankruptcy and Jobs

Nurses Job Hunt



I am currently in nursing school and will likely have to declare bankruptcy soon. I have tried working with my lenders to sort this out myself but it's not looking good. Have any of you had any experience with getting a job as a nurse after declaring bankruptcy? Am I going to have trouble getting a job because of this?

Thanks in advance.

I'm currently thinking about bankruptcy and accidently found this thread. I know it's old but I just wanted to say, why is everyone so harsh and rude when it comes to that? All of you people talking bad about people who file bankruptcy are being judgmental as if you've never made a mistake in your life and assuming that all people who file bankruptcy are irresponsible. I have good credit and pay all my bills but so many things have happened and every time I think there could be a small hope of paying things off something else happens to set me back in life. I would say that bankruptcy is more responsible then just letting all your bills go into collections and doing nothing about it. And by the way the government does not pay the debts of people who file bankruptcy. The lenders do not get paid anything unless it's a chapter 13 filing and in that case the debtor does make payments back to the lenders on a payment plan. The government does not pay that.

We are harsh ( didn't see anything rude) because the CONSUMER WILL end up paying for the lack of fiscal responsibility on the part of the debtor, in the long run. Do you think the debtors just suck it up , and say oh well? No. They pass it along to the consumer. All that stuff that was charged, is now costing ME money.

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