3 Reasons Your Immune System May Not Help You This Flu Season

Do you get caught every flu season with a cold or sinus problem? Our immune system is designed to handle the pollens and bugs that cycle through the seasons provided it has your support. This article shares 3 reasons your immune system may be up to the challenge of cold and flu season. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

With Ebola in the news and the flu season upon us, I wanted to share some information about the immune system. It is and always will be your best defense against disease.

The immune system is your defense against anything that seeks to attack the body. It is your defense against bacteria, viruses, fungus and even cancer. It will respond to environmental allergies as well as allergies from food.

This brings us to the first reason your immune system may not protect you this flu season and that is because of diet.

1. S.A.D.: Standard American Diet

The typical diet is 75% processed with an overdose of sugar in food and drinks. The intake of sugar is actually at pharmaceutical doses contributing to major disease. Did you know the United States is number 1 in the world for Chronic Degenerative Disease? The US spends more money than any other on Diets and Diet products. In fact, the amount spent nationally on diets has more than doubled from $30 billion in 1992 to over $70 billion today.

And Americans eat more sugar than anywhere else in the world with most people consuming over 200 pounds of sugar per year.

Food is the major "go to" for stress relief and portions have tripled in the last 10 years. As food and drink have supersized, it is a set up for weight gain and Diabesity. A Happy Meal, about 590 calories, used to be an adult size portion. Today you can supersize your way to fast food heaven and take in over 1500 calories in one meal.

With 70% of the population overweight, and eating a processed food diet, it isn't really surprising that Diabetes and Heart Disease are showing up in younger and younger people. It doesn't take 20 years for adult-onset diabetes anymore.

Fast food sets up its own cravings and vicious cycle. The most rushed you are and the more you give in to this diet, the more sugar and fat you crave. Your immune system needs minerals and water. Your gut needs fiber. The ideal diet should actually be 60% vegetables.

A simple solution to start cleaning up your diet is to add in an apple a day. Next, add in salads. One day a week eat only fruits and vegetables and drink water. This will begin to re-mineralize your body and provide the needed hydration. A fast food diet high in sugars has dramatically decreased the amount of water people take in leading to dehydration. Without water, your body cannot eliminate toxins, lubricate joints and support healthy mucus membranes.

Food today has become entertainment, comfort and even love and really doesn't provide the nutrients or fuel for the body to do what it needs to do to support optimal health.

The S.A.D., Standard American Diet is pretty sad lacking the very nutrients to support the primary function of the gut; the ability to digest and absorb nutrients out of food. This brings us to the number 2 reason your immune system may not protect you.

2. 80% of your immune function comes from your gut

With all that sugar consumed, most of which is in the form of high fructose corn syrup, you are at risk for leaky gut. Leaky gut results when the lining of the intestine becomes damaged, inflamed and permeable (porous) releasing undigested foods, bacteria, fungus, and other foreign invaders into the sterile environment of the bloodstream. As these toxins move through the bloodstream the immune system is triggered causing generalized inflammation that contributes to many chronic conditions. Depression, joint pain, Crohn's disease, food allergies, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and more can result from leaky gut.

The heavily processed diet also includes trans fats, additives, excitotoxins, flavor enhancers along with modified gluten, all known to cause inflammation and damage to the gut lining. Add to this a lack of fiber and water and your gut builds up mucus in the digestive tract (which includes the sinuses) leading also to an imbalance in the ratio of healthy to unhealthy bacteria causing candida and yeast overgrowth.

As your gut becomes compromised so does your immune system putting you at risk for increased allergic reactions and ultimately autoimmune conditions.

The reason so many people are eating fast food is because stress has become chronic. This brings us to the 3rd reason your immune system may not protect you from the flu.

3. Chronic stress suppresses immune function

Making changes to your diet may first have to start with managing your stress. They both go hand in hand and a poor diet adds to the stress response as much as increased stress sets up the cravings for a fast food diet.

When your body goes into sympathetic overdrive, all blood is shunted away from your digestive system and your immune system and sent to your muscles so you can fight or flee. This primitive, survival instinct is triggered with real and imagined threats. The more you ruminate and worry, the greater you set up this chronic stress reaction.

There are other reasons the immune system is compromised today like overuse of antibiotics and germicidal hand gels, but these 3 reasons are the biggest. Start with a simple fix and drink more water, next add in an apple and then begin to eat more vegetables. Every meal is a choice and a chance to support overall health which includes an immune system that is designed to protect you from colds and flu.

Specializes in Leadership Development.

Why is the flu vaccine question coming up so much? When did our body start to NEED vaccines? Has the pharmaceutical companies done such a good job brainwashing people and educated health professionals that to be healthy one needs medication? Why then has cancer increased? Sinus infections are almost universal, fatigue in young people? diabesity is an epidemic? If medication provided the answers whould we not all life to a ripe old age with all the energy possible?

Specializes in Leadership Development.

the immune system is responsible fight disease including cancer or we all would have it.

Specializes in ED, Medicine, Case Management.
There's no mention of the flu shot all all, but there are claims that the immune system can protect against cancer. This reads like something from Natural News, which is not known for scientific fact.

The innate immune system actually can play a roll in protecting the body against cancer - one of the functions of natural killer cells is to detect and destroy cancerous cells. Some cancerous cells, however, escape their detection. And, while I am definitely not anti-vac, there is increasing research to support that gut flora plays a huge role in immunity. There is also ongoing research demonstrating the connection between gut flora health (or lack thereof) and disease and obesity.

Specializes in Leadership Development.

yes you are right on track here - thanks for sharing that

There are always going to be people who will deny that diet plays a huge role in disease process. And we are always going to look like wack jobs for talking about it. Heck, it wasn't that long ago that I thought it was all hokey, wacky and outlandish because it went against everything I grew up learning about the food groups, pharmaceuticals, GMOs, etc.

It was only when it started to directly affect my quality of life in so many ways that I did the research on my own and fixed it with diet, water and exercise. I didn't do crazy diets, cleans, vitamin supplementation, etc. I just went to organic, non GMO foods and it did not make my grocery bills go up because once I got used to smaller portions more times a day, I wasn't getting empty calories anymore and binge eating. And all I did really in the end, was switch the pendulum back to a small percentage of meat, fish every week and more vegetables. It doesn't mean that I don't eat an ice cream cone, a milk shake, greasy french fries, or some Doritos once in awhile. It just means that those things don't dominate me anymore. And I've always been a slender girl so it wasn't about losing weight. I was just sick all of the time and I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

People just won't become aware, unfortunately, until it happens to them--until they get diagnosed with something that is terrifying. They will base their entire quality of life on their great aunt Edna who ate whatever she wanted and smoked all of her life and lived to be 99! Sure, there are exceptions and we don't know why, but those people are such a small percentage in the scope of this entire mess.

There are others who don't even realize that their quality of life is being affected. Between work and stress, they don't realize that it is lack of drinking enough water or eating the right things that is causing them to be immensely fatigued, depressed, difficulty falling and staying asleep, mood swings, anxiety, digestive issues, throwing their menstrual cycles off track, low libido, hypoglycemic symptoms, and all kinds of other things. And then there are just those who don't want to spend the time educating themselves because they are so busy and it's easier to just take a pill. I get it because I've been there.

But I also am very educated on pharmaceuticals now. No, not to the point of being a conspiracy theorist because I believe medicine can be extremely beneficial at times. At times being the key phrase, not long term unless every method has been tried including a healthy diet. Then, of course I wouldn't want to suffer nor would I want anyone else to. It's just that it's unfortunate that we live in a society where every feeling felt or hardship faced physically, emotionally and psychologically is followed up with a pill down the shoot rather than looking at what else might be better to try first. And medicine does not equal pills. There are a variety of healing methods in practicing medicine.

Obviously my words are not a complete picture.

Specializes in Leadership Development.

valliloves, thanks for your eloquent and honest response. It is true that alot of what we know today was thought to be heresy at one time. I like that you found what worked for you. I was amazed at how much of a difference water makes!! And now the more I fine tune my body mind and spirit I can tell when something is out of balance vs being overloaded before not knowing what was going on except that I was tired and miserable. Thanks for your enthusiasm at taking charge of your health and your life! you are an inspiration!

macawake in your search you pulled up an article I wrote for my website that focuses on digestive health.

Thank you for your reply. I did notice when I read one of the links, that it was your website. I was being a bit "discreet". I do appreciate that you clarified things though.

There are hundreds of references that speak to leaky gut and I urge you to do the research to find them. I have had a lot of training etc in natural alternative solutions and do not have the references in a file somewhere. If you do the search you will find ample evidence.

Since you are the one who made the claim: high fructose corn syrup = "leaky gut" = contributes to depression, joint pain, Crohn's disease, food allergies, eczema, psoriasis, asthma and autoimmune disease, I would really appreciate if you would provide the research that supports that a "leaky gut" is a indeed causative factor to all these diseases. (I took a cursory glance around PubMed and didn't find any relevant research).

AmyRN, I am sorry that you ahve not had exposure to the reams of scientific evidence all around the world around this issue in particular high fructose corn syrup and the designer proteins in the modified wheat. And do you not wonder why so many people struggle with sinus trouble or why autism is so common or why so many people need antidepressants?

Are you saying that high fructose corn syrup etc. causes autism and depression?

In your OP you mentioned cancer. I agree with you that a healthy diet is beneficial

to a person's health. (Personally, I am a bit of a health nut and a exercise fanatic, bordering on obsessed). However, it's entirely possible for a person to have excellent dietary habits and still be afflicted by various diseases, including cancer. The immune system alone is far from a sure-fire method to protect a person from cancer. Cancer cells are unlike many foreign "invaders" very much alike the body's own cells and aren't always recognized by the immune system. Cancer cells can also acquire properties in order to evade the immune system. They are sneaky. To claim that diet alone can conquer cancer is to grossly over-simplify a complicated multi-factorial process. Making that claim also risks making a sick person feel enormously guilty about their previous dietary habits, when in fact their diet may not have had anything to do with the emergence of that person's disease.

There are many risk factors identified , but it is most of the time not possible to identify the causative agent/s or factor/s in a specific individual. We have identified certain hereditary factors that increases a person's susceptibility to cancer, and no doubt we will in the future identify many more. We have also identified some environmental and behavioral risk factors. Certain diets, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are risk factors for the development of some cancers, but they are far from the only ones and they aren't always the causative factor. Blaming it all on diet is in my opinion wrong.

Why then has cancer increased?

Not all cancers have increased. Some forms have actually become less common. In cases where an increased number can be seen, not all represent an actual increased incidence. More screening programs will find more cancers, a population with longer life expectancy will mean more cancers and there are many other factors that affect the numbers.

the immune system is responsible fight disease including cancer or we all would have it.

If I remember correctly, at the age of 85 approximately 70 percent of all human beings have or have had cancer. Cancer is a disease of DNA mutation. Most forms become more common as we age. Mutations of oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes play a huge role in the progression of cancer. Oncogenes can cause excessive growth signaling to cells and defective tumor-suppressor genes will fail to inhibit the cell cycle when they should do so. These mutations can't all be prevented by drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet.

OP, I noticed that you sell various supplements on your website. Since I/we are talking about diseases in general and cancer in particular, I'd like to share my opinion on something.

I wish that all stores and online outlets that sell herbal supplements and the like would provide information to their customers about the possibility of interactions between herbal remedies and prescription medications. At the very least the customers should in my opinion be advised/encouraged to notify their physician that they also take alternative preparations.

Many herbal remedies (and some foods, we all know about for example grapefruit juice) are inhibitors or inducers of cytochrome P450 and due to altered drug metabolism can alter plasma concentrations of the medication prescribed by the physician. With a small therapeutic window that might spell real trouble.

Research suggests that it's very common for cancer patients to take various supplements, and that they seldom share that with their treating physician and that the doctor doesn't always ask.

I talked to one of my patients in preparation for her cancer surgery. She was scheduled for radio therapy treatment some weeks after the surgery. When asking her about any dietary supplements (standard pre-op), she told me that she took antioxidant supplements and drank large amounts of green tea (also a powerful antioxidant). Large amounts of green tea isn't good for the liver for anyone, and for a patient about to undergo RT treatment it's not good at all. The whole purpose of radio therapy is to create free radicals. Antioxidants might very well protect cancer cells from the intended destruction. I'm glad I asked.

Why is the flu vaccine question coming up so much? When did our body start to NEED vaccines? Has the pharmaceutical companies done such a good job brainwashing people and educated health professionals that to be healthy one needs medication?

I'm healthy and reasonably young. I'd most likely survive a bout of the flu. I take the influenza vaccine to protect my patients, the very young, the very old and the immunocompromised.

Honestly, I don't feel particularly brainwashed :) I believe in the benefit of vaccines. How do you feel about the childhood vaccination/immunizations program?

I personally believe that it has saved countless lives and prevented morbidity from complications.

Specializes in Leadership Development.

macawake - you have to look outside of pubmed check the nih site one that also has complementary medical research. I will see what I can find and send it to you. I can tell you are very detailed and careful to be sure that the information is all inclusive. Maybe this is what is wrong with traditional medicine - not everyone gets heart disease or cancer for the same reason - even if it is toxicity - what happens in the cells depends on genes, gene expression which is influenced by emotions, thoughts, beliefs among many other variables - minerals or lack there of - cofactors like CoQ10 and other amino acids that are frequently deficient due to toxic diet- this is why medication is limited. It only addresses one aspect of the disease. I do not believe that high fructose causes autism or vaccines cause autism - I do know that these things do interfere with methylation pathways, and the optimal functioning of the digestive system and these impariments then lead to more cascade effects... as the body adapts it because hard to really tease out what started the inflammation. This is why I had my training in functional nutrition which focuses ont he optimal health of the body down to the cellular level. There is alot to know about this holistic approach to health and I spent 8 years training beyond nursing school (phd and other certifications) and learning everything I could because I did want to provide my clients with truth not fiction or fear driven imperatives frequentlly used by pharmaceutical companies. I respect your drive to understand. I do not like to make blanket statements all vaccines are bad - never take medication. I am practical and believe that since we are so blessed to have incredible diagnostic capability in traditional medicine that one should avail themselves and since there is also incredible value in supporting the body's innate healing power one should also avail themselves of this. I believe in the power of hope prayer and belief in making the difference in healing, cure and overall wellbeing.

Specializes in Leadership Development.

macawake look up Dr. Bruce Ames - he is a renown molecular biochemist and expert on nutrition Bruce N. Ames, Ph.D.

also Jeffrey Bland, PhD Jeffrey Bland Phd - Landing Page

Read one of their articles and you will find lost of cited research for more on this topic and others.

Thanks for the opportunity to discuss this with you!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.
Maybe this is what is wrong with traditional medicine - not everyone gets heart disease or cancer for the same reason - even if it is toxicity - what happens in the cells depends on genes, gene expression which is influenced by emotions, thoughts, beliefs among many other variables - minerals or lack there of - cofactors like CoQ10 and other amino acids that are frequently deficient due to toxic diet- this is why medication is limited.

Thoughts and emotions cause cancer and heart disease?! Seriously?!

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.
Why is the flu vaccine question coming up so much? When did our body start to NEED vaccines?

When did people start dying of smallpox?

Has the pharmaceutical companies done such a good job brainwashing people and educated health professionals that to be healthy one needs medication? Why then has cancer increased? [/Quote]

Because of better screening, earlier detection, and longer lifespans. As P. J. O'Rourke said, would you rather die of cancer at 90 or typhoid at 9?

Specializes in Leadership Development.

not a hat person - I want to acknowledge your comments and the difference in opinion here. All the best to you.