FGCU Nursing Fall 2013 Applicants!

U.S.A. Florida


Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I just wanted to get a post going for all FGCU School of Nursing Applicants for the Fall 2013 semester.

At minimum, please post your current school, cumulative GPA, and program percentile rank from your TEAS exam.

Good luck to everyone!


Lehne, R.A. (2012). Pharmacology for Nursing Care (8thEd.). St. Louis: Saunders.

RECOMMENDED COURSE TEXTS: It is recommended you purchase a drug handbook.

There are many useful ones available. Most of them are comparable. I would recommend that you make sure it is current and it should include a section on nursing implications.

That's the book we need. I just received an email back from the professor with the syllabus. (It'll be posted this week) We also use the ATI book, but she's checking out the new version now so it isn't on the syllabus.

Wow, thanks for that info^! Very exciting.

Anyone have a lab Friday from 8-11? Health Assessment, I believe, but I'm not near my laptop to check right now.

I have lab Wednesday 12-3, I'm not sure when my other lab is yet though.

Hmm, How did you find out about what time the lab is?

It is still pretty vague...in canvas it looks like I was schedule wednesday from 12-3 as well, but I have a different class that doesn't end until 12:45. I was thinking of changing my schedule to help fix it, but I left it alone. Mrs. Harner posted the Syllabus for Foundations of Nursing (3829C) in canvas, but she said that she needs to check on a few things with the lab schedule. I read through the Syllabus, and it mentions that the use of audio taping/video taping is prohibited. Have you guys ever experienced that? Taping and listening to the lectures is a huge part of my study regimen...do you guys think I should politely ask her to reconsider, or leave it alone for this course and hope that not all of our classes are like that?

OK, I guess she pulled the schedule from Canvas because of conflicts like that. Hopefully it is up soon. (For the other class as well!)

I saw about the prohibited recordings. I have seen on other threads where that is a rule :/ I know I've been allowed to record in other classes at FGCU so I wouldn't say anything just yet. (I'm sure if it is for the whole program, they'll bring it up Friday)

**** Oh and I was reading the schedule to give my family an idea of how busy I would be, and was a bit shocked to see we'll be already down to bathing suits the first day :wideyed:

I hope i find out my lab schedule soon....i have spoke to some current students when i was on campus and they all insisted on study groups to really remember the stuff and they said they come up with some crazy funny ways and it works and sticks. The questions we receive for tests have answers that all can seem right but u need to pick the most logical....an example they gave me was which situation would scare you more with a 6 month (crib by pool, penny on floor, knife sitting by edge on counter, or door unlocked.) I have never studied with a group mainly bc some people waited to last minute and i can't do that, i need to study well in advance so if anyone is interested in study groups please let me know. The madness is about to begin.

Was it the penny?

I'm eagerly awaiting the schedule. I'm surprised they wait so long!

I'm planning on staying on campus M-W until 6:30 or so. I'll add in whichever day my lab is on as well. I'd definately be up for a study group!

My life outside of school is hectic, so this summer I've done a lot of planning and organizing to try and make it less so. Everything from meal planning to study times.

Oh, and have you guys bought the bundle packages yet? I'm wondering if I can buy the individual stuff cheaper used...

I just bought the bundles. I went ahead and purchased them because they are "custom" (this is what I was told at my old school) and it would probably take forever to look up all of the parts.

The prices are steep! Spent more on the two bundles at the bookstore than I spent on all other textbooks (and an additional drug reference) on Amazon combined! Craziness...

I also would like to join a study group. I have never been in one before so it will be a new experience.

yes it was the penny :) my name is Sheila by the way... not sure if I mentioned that earlier in the post. I purchased one of the bundles and planning on purchasing the other bundle I did ask the teacher if it includes the ATI book or if I should just order all the ATI books through Amazon

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