Lucile Packard RN Residency September 2017

Nurses New Nurse


I know theres another "Fall 2017" thread for LPCH, but it seemed like it was for the April cohort instead. So heres a new thread for those who applied to the fall Sept 2017 cohort at LPCH!

There was word going around that they wouldn't have a cohort this season due to the new hospital, but I guess they decided to have one anyways. Let's keep each other updated with anything we hear from them (:

Thanks, @chocolatebuns, BSN, RN - you're probably right. I just need to wait and see if they actually offer me an interview first!

Also, I just checked the status of my application and it still says submitted. Good luck everyone!

Question, does Lucile Packard/Stanford still use the personality test for their application process? I applied but didn't get a link for the personality test like before. Just wondering if anyone else did or of they just don't include this anymore.

Question, does Lucile Packard/Stanford still use the personality test for their application process? I applied but didn't get a link for the personality test like before. Just wondering if anyone else did or of they just don't include this anymore.

I don't think it is included anymore. I did not have to do it.

Hi all! Thanks for starting this thread, I'm excited ( and a bit nervous) for all of us.

I did not get a personality test, I don't think it's included anymore, or at least not in this part of the application process.

I also received the email that the hiring team is "highly interested in my application", so the waiting game continues!

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if people are still receiving emails or if that's over now. I'm starting to get nervous!

@danielle:) I know, this whole process is nerve wracking. I recevied my email this Monday the 31st. I think some other people on this thread had received it the previous Friday. So I'm not sure exactly.

For anyone who may have missed it, LPCH just posted this information on their New Grad website:

May 19, 2017: Job is first posted and applicants will be accepted.

July 18, 2017 : Last day of job posting and for applicants to apply by 11:59 PM.

July 10, 2017 to August 4, 2017: Review of applications

August 7, 2017 to August 11, 2017: Notification of application status

August 14, 2017 to August 23rd, 2017: Interviews

August 23rd, 2017: Offers will start being extended

September 25th, 2017: Start date for all New Grad Residents.

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if people are still receiving emails or if that's over now. I'm starting to get nervous!

I'm worried too :(

Is it a bad thing if we haven't gotten an email showing interest in our application?

Hope we hear good news this coming week. *fingers crossed*

Thanks for posting this, very helpful as I didn't see it was posted on their site yet! Sounds like they will only be doing one interview this time then

@L&D minion

I'm not sure if they sent that interview out to all the candidates they will interview or not. Maybe it depends on units too? I applied to L&D and NICU and got the email 7/31.

I hope we find out tomorrow! I totally understanding because nervous, this is a difficult process! Wishing everyone best of luck :)

Did anybody who got the email of interest get a confirmed interview yet? I have heard some people getting maternity interviews a day or two ago so I'm not sure how tightly they're sticking to their own timeline.


Do you know if people were getting emails for L&D or maternity ( postpartum)

I haven't received any notification since the email about them being interested...

Hoping we all receive good news early this week

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