Reducing misuse of Emergency Departments!

Specialties Emergency


After reading much of the posts about ED Nursing, my first suggestion would be for people to stop inserting objects where they do not belong!.On a more serious note, i just read an article in the paper about a study completed which showed that 41% of parents undermedicate their children for fevers. the study examined Emergency room visits, and it determined that those visits could have been avoided had the children been dosed appropriately. What are your suggestions to reduce unecessary visits to the ER?

I swear some people come to the ER because they are bored and we are forever an entertaining bunch, or they are hungry and hospital food is not to be missed. I don't mean the drug seekers, either. We'll never fix that problem. The night of the first "Survivor" finale there was no one in the ER. We were happy to have the local PD bring in a beligerent drunk guy just to have something to do. I think that night is when I discovered how much I love and surfing in general.

Gee, we must work together, same at my ER.

And yes, we do miss things from time to time. Had a 48 yom w/ c/o "worst H/A of my life." Reported he sometimes had sz's w/ his h/a's. No other history, no other c/o. Arrested right there in the triage whilst I vitaled him. I have to say, even after all these years, it quite took my by surprise. BIG OLD MI! :uhoh3:

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Had one call 911 last night because we didnt get him right back immediately

problem.......HA for 4 days

Had one call 911 last night because we didnt get him right back immediately

problem.......HA for 4 days

Had one tonoc that called 911...from her TREATMENT room!!

Yup...she was already in the back and being treated!

Know what her emergency was...

We refused to feed her (c/o abdominal pain)

I LOVE the law about abusing the EMS is one of my favorites!!!!

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

I have seen a few get arrested for that over the years

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

I have seen a few get arrested for that over the years

I have seen a few get arrested for that over the years

Wonder if we can write a law about abuse of the healthcare system?!!?


I have seen a few get arrested for that over the years

Wonder if we can write a law about abuse of the healthcare system?!!?


Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Never happen

would hurt the shysters

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Never happen

would hurt the shysters

Never happen

would hurt the shysters

And that would be bad?!!??!!??

I learned a good way to assess if the syncope is fake or real (of course the more dramatic the faint the less likely it is to be real) Hold their hand up in the air over their face---amazingly the fake faints alway seem to miss their faces. No matter how hard they try to let the hand land on the forehead, they just can't do it.

I love the diagnosis, near syncopal episode---how many times have ya'll heard that one? :rolleyes:

Haha I love that test, thanks will have to try it someday :p

I posted this on the "macdondalds not us" thread but I think it is appropriate here as well. So here goes.

Once we had a pt who came in via EMS who we could see from outside being loaded from a cheap hotel across the street. We were slow so we think cool, someone is coming in, something to do. Guy comes in, "traveling from WA to Texas, No health care coverage, moving no address." how fortunate. He states he has run out of his meds (albuterol etc.) and had only a half tank or 02, had to turn it way down to get through the night and woke up SOB. Comes in demanding breakfast, is pissed there were no eggs delivered, since they ran out, and it was past breakfast yet before lunch. Orders a second tray, and tosses they jelly package at his primary nurse telling her to put the jelly on his cakes. She gets angry because his arms are working and tells him she thinks he can manage himself. The guy is on his call light every 5 minutes, wanting meds and to leave. Im with his nurse inserting and IV and giving an injection so we miss his light because we were busy. I go in after and here the man has out all his inhalers he said he didnt have and tells me. "first off the light doesnt work, second I had an attack and had to use my inhalers to make me feel better." I'm standing there dumb founded looking at this man who said he didnt have any inhalers while he is on 02 and feeling well enough to toss jelly at a nurse. I tell him sorry the light works but we were with another patient, and I will tell your nurse about your episode. Then the man asks where his lunch is. (meals-r-us) 2 breakfasts and lunch with meds, and another tank of 02. Guess his hotel didnt offer the continental breakfast. When I told the nurse she was pissed because he said he had no meds, ran out of everything. This is why health care is expensive were paying for people like this, 3 meals in 3-4 hours and new meds for a "traveler" who didnt stock up before he left, wonder why.

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