Adults Who Can't Swallow Pills

Specialties Emergency


Where I work now we seem to have cornered the market on adults who can't swallow pills. I'm not referring to children or eldery people with dysphagia. I'm talking about gagging and crying like they were four or something. They whine and beg you. "Please don"t make me take that pill. I can't swallow it, I never have been able to."

I swear I see at least one a week. I've tried everything, even crushing pills in applesauce. They just can't swallow the med. Of course they don't want an injection or a suppository either.

Anybody else run into this in the ED?

Specializes in ER.


My blood pressure just came down about 50 points.:D

Originally posted by hogan4736

I like your style magik


well, thank you. you are among the very few on this bb. i have been accused of being all sorts of things (please visit the pain in the ed thread) for just voicing my opinion.

"anything i say can and will be used against me!"

amyway, thanks, \mg

we all must do things we don't swallowing pills....

my parents taught me that as a child....

Originally posted by athomas91

we all must do things we don't swallowing pills....

my parents taught me that as a child....

me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:kiss

Originally posted by athomas91

we all must do things we don't swallowing pills....

my parents taught me that as a child....


Indeed, it's like, "who is in charge"

My favorite from a parent (about her 4 year old) "she's refusing the medicine" and then mom hands it back to you...

I always respond "how will you do this at home?"

I ALWAYS get the blank stare.


i had a mom bring in her kid (3 y/o)

because - she doesn't like the amoxil...she won't take it...can you give us zithromax - she likes that one....

i literally asked her --- who is the parent here??? MAKE her take it...she will learn....

It may sound cruel, but when parents tell me (of their 2 y/o) "you won't be able to get him/her to take that medicine". I usually just say..."well, i'm bigger"


i say "wanna bet some money on that??"

Originally posted by hogan4736


Indeed, it's like, "who is in charge"

My favorite from a parent (about her 4 year old) "she's refusing the medicine" and then mom hands it back to you...

I always respond "how will you do this at home?"

I ALWAYS get the blank stare.



what would patients do without us? lol:roll

Specializes in Emergency/Critical Care Transport.


Didn"t know this would be such a big thread when I started it. I was really surprised that many adults cannot swallow pills. I hadn't seen anywhere else in the four state area I have worked. I feel for you if you can't do it. I take meds everyday, allegies, htn meds, they just slip right down. I had trouble when I was kid, like we all do but my mother taught me to do it. I just thought it was rite of passage like riding a bike, or getting your driver's license.

Anyway cotjockey and athomas91 are on the money. I'm not jumping on people who have a medical problem which prevents them from swallowing pills or even a psychological one. What I find frustrating are the ones who whine that they can't take pills, suppositories are icky, shots hurt too much. Then DEMAND that you make them better. Oh I'm sorry I forgot to get my magic wand out of my locker at the beginning of the shift. It's just exasperating. Then you and the patient are in limbo, they don't refuse the med, but "can't" it, you can't DC them, they don't want to go home until they're fixed.......(sigh) As Homer Simpson says "Whaddya gonna do?"

I never had trouble with pills until I had to take those huge prenatal vitamin tablets. Someone suggested dipping it in water first so it slides down the throat. It works! I never had a problem after I started doing that.

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

Hmm ... when I saw the title of the thread "Adults Who Can't Swallow Pills" I was interested immediately, because I'm one of them. Nope - can't do it. I tilt my head back and drop them down my throat (no lectures please...). But apparently to some of you, that little quirk of mine would put me in the "uncooperative patient" category. I've never refused a pill, or even asked if a liquid was an alternative - I just have to do the tilt/drop thing one pill at a time.

Uncooperative patients who refuse treatment?? That's a whole 'nother thread ... ;)


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