BICU working ICU in the future

Specialties Critical



I have a silly question... I'm guessing that after getting experience working in a burn ICU, that one could function nicely in a regular ICU??

Thank you for your responses.:nurse::redbeathe:nurse:

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

I went from a General ICU to a Burns ICU then back to General ICU again, I found that there were no major problems in making the transition, in fact I found Burns patients more challenging to care for so I think that you would do just fine

Specializes in Trauma/Burn ICU.

At my hospital, it's generally accepted that once you have a year or 2 in the Trauma/Burn ICU, you can work just about any unit, no problems (except maybe L&D!)

Mike in Michigan

Burn ICU patients I found have been lots and lots more work than other ICU patients. Imagine your patients without the extensive burn care, with less extreme vent settings and requiring less pain meds. Non-burn ICU patients tend to have shorter stays and lower incidence of contact isolation.

I have floated to all the ICU's in my hospital. Burns is the hardest working.

You could do just fine in other units.

I believe that if you work in the trauma/adult ICU for at least 2 years...

you should be able to handle the Burn ICU... in my hosptal .. . strong ICU background is required prior working in the Burn Unit...



Specializes in SICU, Burn Unit, PACU, CCU.

I have worked in a Burn ICU first before being transferred to SICU. There was no problem for transition at all.

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