Flirty co-workers

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I'm a CNA (obviously), and as some of you here may know, I am also male. Currently, I am one of only two male CNAs at my facility. The other is dating a nurse, although she is not his supervisor. Anyway, the past few days, I've taken notice to something. The girls I work with are just now starting to get comfortable with me, and a few have started flirting a little. 4 in particular, to include 3 CNAs and 1 LPN. 2 of the 3 CNAs are married with kids. The other CNAs is completely single with a young child. So far it's just been innocent flirting from the CNAs. Smiles, pet-names, hugs, blown kisses, attempts at starting deep conversations, and a couple of times a quick pat on the rump. That was all fine, until today...

The LPN I mentioned started flirting with me today. I'll call her Susan (obvious name change, nothing close to her real name). She was talking to me yesterday and asked me if I was so-and-so's husband. I said no, that I was her ex-husband. She did the whole "Oh, I'm so sorry, when I saw y'all together, you seemed like you genuinely loved her" bull. I just kinda smiled politely and walked off, not wanting to relive painful memories. Today I get to work, and I'm put on a different hall than usual. This hall is mostly women, 95% of which will not let me care for them. Needless to say, I was spending a bit of time out in the hall. Susan was the hall nurse. She was smiling at me, staring at me, calling me over to talk to her, etc. To her credit, she didn't bring up my past relationship as I thought she would. However, about an hour into my shift, she comes out of a room, walks straight up to me, and hugs me. I was a bit uncomfortable with this (being as I do find myself physically attracted to her but don't want to poop where I eat, so to speak), so I backed away. She got the hint and let go. However, not ten minutes later, I'm standing just outside a resident's room, having just come out of the room next to it, when she comes out, looks up at me, and takes my hand in her's. I looked at her, at our hands, and then up the hall to see the charge nurse, Nicole (name changed), staring at what's going on. I withdraw my hand and walk away. Susan goes on about her work as if nothing has happened. She continues to stare at me, smile at me, call me over to her, etc. Everytime I go over to her, she's touching on my arm, touching my chest, etc. Nicole was apparently paying attention, as about halfway through our shift, right after meal trays were passed, she calls Susan to the desk. I was working lights during supper and was told to be somewhere else as Susan was walking towards the desk.

I don't know exactly what was said, but Alice (name changed), another LPN, told me that Nicole basically talked to Susan about inappropriate behaviors at work, not bringing up specifics. Soon after supper, I was assigned the task of being a rehab resident's personal sitter. That was fine with me, as it got me away from Susan, relieving the uncomfortable feelings I was experiencing. That was around 6. Around 8, the resident I was sitting decided it was bedtime. I was walking up to the nurse's desk to talk to Nicole when I overheard her talking to Brittney, one of the married CNAs that likes to flirt with me, about Susan's behavior. Brittney was livid. She was trying to keep her voice down, obviously, but was still talking loud enough for me to hear her from around the corner. She explained to Nicole that Susan needed to back off, that if anyone was going to flirt with me it was going to be her, if anyone there was going to get me to open up to them, it would be her. I slinked back towards the resident's room and started walking back towards the nurse's station on the side of the hall where Nicole could see me walking up there. She silences Brittney and I tell them the resident has gone to bed and that if he got back up, to call me. Brittney smiles at me and out of reflex I smiled back. I realized my mistake and walked back to my previously assigned hall. Susan continued to smile at me and stare at me, but didn't talk to me or come close enough to touch me. I sense that her conversation with Nicole sank in a little.

Now, I'm not a great looking guy or anything. I'm 6'4", overweight, kinda shy and awkward, and really NOT looking for anything like this at work. Don't get me wrong, the attention makes me feel good about myself, but it doesn't inflate my ego and it isn't something I'm craving. IF I was to meet any of these girls in public and they were all single, I would flirt back. But the fact is, we all work together, and I am NOT trying to get fired. The company doesn't particularly have a fraternization policy, but I know the administrator very well and know for a fact that she won't put up with it. I'm the newest hire on my shift, so if anyone were to be terminated for this behavior, it would be me. Or atleast I would hope it would be me. I know the two married CNAs are the bread winners in their families. But other than Brittney and Susan, I know for a fact that it's just a little harmless flirting with the other two. However, it is Brittney and Susan that I don't know how to deal with. I have tried making it clear that I'm not interested, but it doesn't seem to be working. I think they both know that I am attracted to them, despite how hard I have tried to hide it.

Now, my question. What should I do? How do I not-so-subtly let these two girls know that while I am flattered, I refuse to let anything happen with anyone I work with. I have even considered spreading the rumor that I'm gay. I mean, half the women up there think I am, anyway (why does a man have to be gay to want to be a nurse? Or is this just a southern thing?). I just don't know how well that'll go over if I start dating while I'm working there. It's a small town, everyone knows everything. Also, most of these girls know my ex, went to school with my ex, etc. For some reason, there seems to be this "If he made HER happy enough to marry him, he must be a helluva guy" attitude.

I'm sorry your ex acts that way. That's a shame. It sounds like you're probably better off with out her.

I'm glad you were raised to be a gentleman. Unfortunately that seems to be lacking in our society today. We need more guys like you! I think you're still single because you seem to have high standards, which you should. A seemingly charming gentleman such are you should never settle. You're waiting for the right girl, I hope you find her! Also, good luck with work!

Thank you for your kind words. It makes me feel better knowing that somewhere out there, there is the potential for a woman that will appreciate me the way I am. As far as high standards, you have no idea. Believe me, if I didn't have high standards, I could get either of the married CNAs to leave their husbands for me. But I believe my high standards stem more from my having two kids that I want raised in the same way I was. I want my son to see me as nothing less than a perfect gentleman to his future step-mother. I want my daughter to find a man that treats her the way I treat her future step-mother. I also want to teach them the difference between love and lust.

Last night was a lot better. With everyone too scared to flirt with me, things went a lot smoother. I worked a hall that I have only worked once with a girl I have only worked with once. She is the only girl up there I would ever consider being friends with. She's nice to me, talks to me, cares about me, but not in an "I want you" kind of way. I did have to leave her for about an hour to do a shower and a bedbath, but when I came back, we were able to sit down, carry a conversation, and just hang out. We made our final round together, and everything went great.

I don't feel like my time at work is going to lead to something being misconstrued anymore. I don't particularly look forward to going to work, yet, but I do feel more secure once I am there. Things will continue to get better, especially when the girls realize that it's not that I'm a bad guy, it's that I just don't think that kind of attention is warranted in the work place. I don't want anyone to feel like I'm teasing them, either. I know that after Susan was let go, there was some buzz around the nurse's station that I was leading her on. I don't think I was. I made my intentions as crystal clear as I possibly could. I told her flat out that I was not comfortable with her acting that way towards me. Some people just can't see the signs.

Well, it's happening again. This time from the girl i least suspected. She was complaining earlier about her soon-to-be ex-husband and asking for recommendations on lawyers. In the kindest way possible, I recommended a lawyer for her to talk to, talked to her about the steps she needed to take to get the outcome she seeks, and just generally listened to her laundry list of complaints. Then I was moved to a different hall. While I was sitting in the cafeteria feeding two residents, she came up to me and started talking. That was all fine until a few minutes into the conversation when she asked if I had plans for Friday night. I closed off a little and told her that by the time I get off, I don't feel like doing much. She took the hint, sort of, but when she walked past me on her way out of the cafeteria, she bent over and kissed me on the cheek. Fortunately, and seemingly unfortunately, the only two people that saw this behavior were an MR resident and a demented resident.

Again, I am left wondering how I can curtail this behavior before it leads me to dreading coming to work again. She saw what happened with Susan. She knows the whole story. But it's like she doesn't care. Why is it when I'm dead set against dating a certain group of girls, they seem to be the most drawn to me. My best friend is trying to set me up with a couple of girls he knows, but so far he's not having the best luck. Yet I could almost have my pick of the girls I work with. I just don't get it...

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Sounds like time to find a new job...

Sounds like time to find a new job...

Maybe. And that sucks because I am at the best paying LTC in town and making at least $1/hr more than I would anywhere else in town. I could work in the next town over, but I don't know that I can afford the drive.

I'm sitting here in AP2 class and the ONE girl I'm around that I would love to receive this flirty behavior from is sitting not four feet away and barely knows or acknowledges I exist. And somehow, the behavior I have been receiving at work has made me more shy and closed off. I can't even talk to this girl unless she turns around and asks me a question. I am kicking myself in the ass every time I look at her and can't speak.

Maybe. And that sucks because I am at the best paying LTC in town and making at least $1/hr more than I would anywhere else in town. I could work in the next town over, but I don't know that I can afford the drive.I'm sitting here in AP2 class and the ONE girl I'm around that I would love to receive this flirty behavior from is sitting not four feet away and barely knows or acknowledges I exist. And somehow, the behavior I have been receiving at work has made me more shy and closed off. I can't even talk to this girl unless she turns around and asks me a question. I am kicking myself in the ass every time I look at her and can't speak.
After taxes, you won't even notice the $1 difference. It's probably worth it. I would begin the search for a new job where you can start fresh. Look into hospitals too. Can't hurt... As for the girl in your class, talk to her more. That can't hurt either. You'll really be "kicking" yourself if you let her slip through your fingers and you never know what could of been.
After taxes, you won't even notice the $1 difference. It's probably worth it. I would begin the search for a new job where you can start fresh. Look into hospitals too. Can't hurt... As for the girl in your class, talk to her more. That can't hurt either. You'll really be "kicking" yourself if you let her slip through your fingers and you never know what could of been.

I'll start looking into the other LTCs in town. I know the DONs at both, so getting to the interview stage shouldn't be hard. Perhaps I can even get one of them to work with my schedule as efficiently as my current UM does.

As for the girl in class, I talked to her. She seemed genuinely interested in talking to me. But I somehow get the feeling she was just being nice. On the other hand, when one of the other guys in class tries to talk to her, she ignores him like a boss. Maybe there's something there. She's out of my league. Like WAY out of my league. But that's where my ridiculously high standards come into play. Most of the girls I end up talking to seriously are far beyond girls that I should be able to holler at.

My best friend is still trying to set me up with one girl in particular. She's an ER tech and LPN student. I've had a crush on this girl for the better part of 15 years. He used to date her. He almost married her. He even openly admits that she is the one that got away. But he has already told her that he feels I would be the perfect guy for her. We're looking for many of the same things, apparently. He is just unsure if she'll give me a chance because of my size. She said she'd think about it when he told her he wanted to set her up on a date. She trusts him, for the most part, so he seems to think I stand a pretty good chance of at least getting to that "blind" date. From there, it's all on me. It has been four years since I dated. I don't even remember what to do. I know supper and possibly a walk along the river. But it's been so long that the thought of going on a first date terrifies me. I think it's partially my age getting to me.

I am sorry for getting so far off topic. I just don't have a lot of people I can talk to about stuff like this and you ladies and gentlemen have been so nice to me. Plus I like the anonymity of the Internet.

Aw, you poor thing! You just can't catch a break. I guess what's going on at work is the old "people want what they can't have". I never really got that concept, but it seems to be true in certain cases. I guess these women think if they're the one to finally get with you, since the others couldn't, it will prove something. (what, I'm not sure.) I've never really been like that. I'm a very straight forward person. If I like someone, I'll tell them, if they do, great; if they don't, better luck next time, and I move onto the next. What's the point in hanging onto someone who isn't into you? It never makes them like you anymore, if anything it pushes them away. I think you mentioned you don't like to sh*t where you eat when it comes to relationships and work, and I agree with you 1000000%.

Anyway, what is going on at your work is technically sexual harassment. As much as you probably don't want to do this, you're probably going to have to put your foot down to send these ladies the message. Just very calmly and matter of fact say "I'm not interested. Please do not flirt/kiss me/whatever thing they do to you, or I will have to report it." Maybe it won't make you the most popular guy, but it'll hopefully get them to leave you alone. If they know you mean business and will report them, if they have any sort of wits about them or value their job they will leave you alone. Don't mention anything such as you are flattered or that you really don't want to report them. Show no kindness, just straight facts. You are there to work with patients and make a living to support your children, not find a mate.

I don't think you should have to leave your job, OP. I think if anything those people that harass you should leave. You seem like a really great guy, OP, and to be frank it makes me down right sad that a person like you has to suffer because of the unprofessionalism of others.

I wish you the best of luck on your date. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I know I have only read your posts on here, but I can tell you are a genuine, honest person. That is hard to come by these days. Hopefully the lady you go out with will realize that. Just be yourself. Age is only a number, don't let that get to you. Like I said, just be yourself, relax, let the conversation flow, don't be afraid to joke around, definitely don't be so nervous that you end up being uptight. A nice glass of wine tends to get things in the relaxed mood. I think dinner and a nice walk is the perfect idea; it gives you a chance to talk and get to know that person. I never understood movies on the first date because you don't really get a chance to talk! You probably already know this, but keep the conversation positive on the first date. Mostly ask about her and try not to go on too much about yourself.

I wish you the best!:cat:

I've had to file a sexual harassment complaint before, at an old employer. Talk about ruining a life. But if that's what it's going to take, so be it. I hate to come across as sounding cold and heartless, but the fact of the matter is I've got to look out for myself. My UM will be hearing about the latest development when I clock in tomorrow. She is the only woman up there within my age range that hasn't hit on me.

In the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder if this is going to be a permanent problem of becoming a nurse. There are a couple of male nurses where I work, both of which admit that working there has given them a little action on the side. There is also a new male CNA that confided in me the other night that he has been receiving some unwanted attention. Not from the girls that were actively pursuing me, but from one of the overnight girls.

I have just recently gotten to the point that I am ready to start dating after the end of my last relationship. She was the first girl I ever fell in love with. It has taken me almost two years to be ready to move on. I'm not ready to jump into something head first and get my heart broken again. Honestly, I don't know that I will ever love anyone the way I loved my ex-wife. Yeah, maybe if I meet that one special girl that is meant for me, but that seems almost impossible right now. The girl I have class with isn't going to come to fruit because of the fact that we will be entering the nursing program at the same time. I don't think dating would be a good idea. Besides, if it's meant to be, it can happen after nursing school. Maybe that's just me, though.

Well, last night went a lot better. I told the latest girl that I was not looking for that type of attention from her or anyone else from the facility. She seemed to understand and while she remained friendly, she was not overly so.

As far as the girl my friend is trying to set me up with, he says she seems less than interested. It's a real bummer, but it is what it is.

I am actually sitting in lab for AP2 right now and there is a beautiful young woman in here taking pictures. She has snapped quite a few of me and maybe 2 of the other students in the class. I'm half way tempted to try to get her number or something. But, alas, I am too shy for such a move.

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