CRNA school and single parenting

Specialties CRNA


Just wondering if any of you went through school as a single parent. If so how with the time management?

Hi there, I did not go back and look at the "heated" thread because I do not think there is any call for it to be a heated discussion. It is a simple question and it does not ask for oppinions. I did not go to NA school just LPN school and I was not single. I did however have a mentally and physically handicapped child and another one that I was homeschooling the entire time I was in LPN school. It is not easy and can be quite overwhelming but it can definately be done. I admire your courage and I say God speed in following your dreams.

Hi Alisha,

I don't want to search the other thread because I see no need to debate the single parenting issue.

I'm glad you posted this thread though because your plight hits me close to home. My sister has been a nurse since 1984 working in several intensive care areas. Right now she is in PACU. She had her husband divorced last year and she has two daughters ages 1 1/2 and 6 years. She's working on her BSN right now and wants to go to CRNA school when she finishes. I'm a RN too and know she'd make a great NA because of her intelligence, personality and desire.

She was explaining to me that the CRNA school she'd like to attend requires students not work while there are in school for 1 1/2 years. The hospital where she works will give her up to 18,000 dollars and she feels she could qualify for some student loans. I'm an RN also and am looking into returning to working because I'd like to be able to help her out financially to reach her goal. My husband makes enough money for us to live on but there is no extra, if you know what I mean. My sister and I are the only children in our family. Anyway, I've been reviewing my nursing stuff and dusting off my 3 year old resume and plan to contact our local hosptial next month in hopes they have a position for me. I haven't told my sister my plans... I want to surprise her. I believe in her completely!

I wish I had some real-life examples of ways single parents made it through NA school, but I don't. I'm sure it takes lots of hard work and sleepless nights, but I'd imagine one would need back up support for times when the children are ill or need help with homework, extracurricular activities, etc.

I send you strength and serenity vibes to help you realize your goal too!

I wish you all the luck. Find some good friends and ask if you can depend on them to help you. You can do it.

Specializes in 14 years ER, MICU, SICU, PAT, tons other.

Hello.......single mom here, two teenage boys. Graduated from anesthesia school just over a year ago. I am very glad I did it, but also very VERY happy it is over. It can be done, with lots of family support and mostly, the DESIRE and the will to finish. Also by the GRACE of God, without whom I would not have made it through. I moved to a neighboring state to go to school, after my boys went to live with their dad. As soon as I got accepted, the boys ended up back with me, and we all went to anesthesia school together. The first year was rough, my mom came down a few times and stayed with us (it was the only way the apartment got cleaned!). The second year the boys came back home and stayed with my parents, so I drove home every Friday and back to school every Sunday, unless I had a call weekend. Used lots of long distance, wasn't too bad, I had a cell phone, lots of gas since it was about 200 miles from home. It worked because I studied for boards during the week, made tapes to listen to on the long trips home. The first year I did all my reading and studying in the early mornings and on Saturday mornings. Like I said, lots of desire and perseverance and you can do it. And don't be afraid to ask for help from family & will be worth it!

Virginia Kelly, the mother of President Bill Clinton was a CRNA. In her book she talks about going to anesthesia school in New Orleans and driving home to Arkansas on the weekend to see her son, who was staying with his grandparents.

She also wrote that one of the reasons why she went to anesthesia school was to make a good income so her son could get a good education.

I know times were different then, but if she was able to do it, so should anyone who is sufficiently motivated.

It is also interesting to know that ex-gov of Minn, Jesse Ventura's mother was also a CRNA.


Originally posted by Tiki_Torch

I'm an RN also and am looking into returning to working because I'd like to be able to help her out financially to reach her goal. I've been reviewing my nursing stuff and dusting off my 3 year old resume and plan to contact our local hosptial next month in hopes they have a position for me. I haven't told my sister my plans... I want to surprise her. I believe in her completely!

Just wanted to tell you that your sister is blessed to have you for a sister! I think it is absolutely beautiful what you are doing for her. :kiss

My husband is currently in CRNA school. There are very few single parents in his program. The hard part is clinicals. Some of the sites my husband's program uses are 200 miles from home/school so the SRNA's all room together in a cramped apartment during the week, come home for class, and return for clinicals or call. The single parents in his program are men and only one man that I know of has full custody of his child. It can be done if you have someone who can stay with your child when you have clincals or call. If your program is like my husbands you go year round. When the univeristy is on break you have 5 days a week of clinicals/call and in his program they are not permitted to work (there would honestly be no time to work anyway). Hope this helps.

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