
Specialties CCU


Hi guys,

I am a RN working in a CCU in Saudi Arabia where they do things a little differently to say the least!

What is peoples expereince with working with angioseals? Good and bad experiences welcome. Also the unit where I worked in Australia never used pressure dressings post angiogram unless it was indicated. Pressure dressings are used currently where I work and my main complaint is that you can't tell what is happening under a thick bandage!

Any thoughts or suggestions


Our cardiologists have suddently changed their minds about Angioseal...seems there has been some migration and distal vascular occlusions with the stuff too many times. Our hospital is now in their infinite wisdom doing away with Femstops as they are 'too expensive"

Now we're back to direct, time-consuming manual pressure. Of course this is what we did BEFORE the newfangled stuff. But nowadays we are not staffed for these 20-30 minute periods of time off the unit in one room. (Cathlab does NOT pull sheaths...staff nurses do in my facility)

The docs now want us to slap on a Syvek patch (seaweed based anti oozong action), after 20-30 " direct manual pressure, but it doesn't help with immediate hemostasis achievement. .

I am a previous EP lab nurse, but recently had to have a cath myself! it was interesting being on the other side of the table, but I had great care and since I work in a cardiology office, I chose the best operator we have and he did a wonderful job! And, my coronaries were HUGE and clear of disease so I was VERY happy. Anyway, I had an Angioseal,, and had only a small 4x4 folded in quarters and covered w/tape. I had bedrest for 3 hours (which I slept through, luckily) then got right up and went home. I had no bruising, no bleeding, no knots, no nothing at the site. I am fortunate!!

Does anybody use a Perclose? When I was in school, they were used all the time- and I recall very few problems with them. Where I work, angioseals are the favorite- but our patients almost always bleed! Actually, the manual pressure ones do best!

My primary job is in a Radiology Special Procedures Lab, and wwheen I first started all we used was Vasoseal. then we started using Perclose, now we just started using Angioseal. I love the perclose, and the Vasoseal is nice, if you can't Perclose the puncture site. I am still undescided on Angioseal. Working In the Specials Lab, and dealling with a lot of patients with PAD, I'm leary about putting ANYTHING in the artery to stay, even for a very short time. The Anchor on Angioseal makes me a little nervous. So far we have had no problems with it so far.

We have been using angioseals frequently, even post plasty.

The cath lab staff loves them. The floor nurses do complain that they are oozing but without hematoma. When we don't use the angioseal, we use syvek or chito seal, and then apply a small op-site dressing or a bandaid. It works well.

Good luck!!

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