University of San Francisco ME-CNL Summer 2013

U.S.A. California


Hey everybody,

I didn't see a thread yet for the Summer 2013 cohort for USF Masters Clinical Nurse Leader Program so I decided to make one. The application deadline is coming up and figured it would be great to meet fellow applicants and stress out together haha

DAS225: are you happy with the program? Do you feel that by the time you're done you will be well-prepared to start working? I know what I think about what makes USF's program different than other programs such as Samuel Merritt's, UCSF's, and San Francisco State's. But I would like to hear from an insider what it is that, in your opinion, really distinguishes the program from all the others. Thanks!

Hi DAS225! What do you think of the program so far? Do you feel like you are getting out of the program exactly what you are supposed to? The providers at the cardiology office I work at really like the program, but then I have heard conflicting opinions elsewhere. Thanks for offering advice/opinions!

@DAS225 Thank you for offering your help! I was wondering if there are any students in the program now who commute from the Silicon Valley. I will be relocating from out of state as well but may not be living in the city. Does the school offer some kind of ride share or is parking on campus easy enough?

@ingridh and @cyncyn... I applied to nursing programs all over the country. I applied to accelerated BSN programs and entry level master's programs. USF was the first school where I was accepted. Personally for me, I just wanted (and still do) want to be a nurse. I didn't have time to research strengths and weaknesses of various programs. For me I just knew that I wanted to be a nurse, and I was going to go wherever I got in as long as I was going to be a nurse in the end. That's exactly what I did. Personally, I don't think anyone ever feels 100% prepared to be a nurse. That's the great thing about nursing.... is that it's so dynamic and constantly changing. You're always learning new things.

@c408. People live all over the bay area. I chose to live near the school, so that I could walk to school, and not have to deal with parking and commuting in traffic. Parking at school is ridiculous. I've actually never had to deal with it, but this is what I have observed with other students in my cohort. You can pay money to get an on campus parking permit, which might make parking slightly easier. I don't know what the rules and such are for parking permits at school. Most people in my cohort don't have a parking permit, they just do street parking, but it's a pain. They have to circle around looking for spots in the neighborhood around the school. Most of the spots are 2 hour spots, which means that they have to move their cars and find a new parking spot during our breaks from lecture. It's a pain and I'm glad that I never have to deal with that. Some students who live near each other have organized carpools amongst themselves

@DAS225: Thank you so much for your feedback! I am applying to ABSN and Entry-Level Masters programs in the Bay Area - because my husband has a job in the city, we're waiting to see the outcome of my applications before I start thinking about applying elsewhere. USF is my first choice because of the general social justice philosophy of the school. I want to work to improve health conditions for poor and disadvantaged people, either here, or overseas.

Thank you so much for the feedback! Never 100% prepared: I figured, darn it.

Not sure if this was discussed before or not but does anyone know how we will be informed? Meaning e-mail, snail mail or possibly phone call?

Thanks for the advice DAS255. Parking just seems to be such a nuisance everywhere in sf! I totally understand your point about you knowing clearly what your end goal is but you might not necessarily know the differences between each of the programs, BUT the important thing is that you are doing your program, and one step closer to your goal! So thats all the matters =D

@DAS225 Thank you for your response! I really appreciate it!

@raminajulia sounds to me we are to receive a phone call if we get in.

for those concerned about driving. It is a nightmare driving in and out of the city. But living in the city is also really expensive as well. depends on which poison you want to bite. whether convenience of living close to the city or driving and cheaper rent. People spend over 30 minutes at times trying to find parking in my neighborhood. it is all bad. I live in the city and if I get into the school I will either bike or bus.

If you are concerned about money for rent check out outer richmond and outer sunset the only unfortunate things about these areas is fog. You will really begin to appreciate the sun

@raminajulia They will be notifying us via email and mail! I just confirmed with the admissions office, and why is this week going by sooo slowwww!?!? I really hope they get back to us by the end of next week! ***crosses fingers***

Hi all, glad to see I am not alone in my worrying, somehow it makes it easier. I called yesterday and they said they will be letting applicants know whether they are accepted after April 22nd. Who knows if that means the 23rd or sometime in May! But judging but what others have heard I am thinking it will be by the end of April. Good luck to all!

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