COC Fall 2012

U.S.A. California


Hi! I'm starting this thread for people who are starting the RN program at COC for Fall 2012. I'm so excited i was chosen and can't wait for the orientation and to finally begin the program.

Has anyone purchased their stethoscope yet? If so, what kind did you buy?

I picked up a littman classic II stethoscope :)

Is anyone taking the nursing pharmacology and dosaging class this summer?

So a friend of mine who works for another nursing program in the los angeles area said that their is a rumor going around that COC has received a grant to help pay for the cost of Kaplan. Has anyone else heard anything about that?

@kmadrid were you the one I met today at the fire class?:)

Yeah that was me! So glad we got that over with! Now we just need Kaplan, got an email today saying we should recieve info pretty soon.

Is anyone taking the nursing pharmacology and dosaging class this summer?

I've signed up for it and want to take it but it will depend on my work situation. It seems like a good class to take.

Since we're unclear about how many clinical days we will have during our first semester, I don't know how many sets of uniforms I should order. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Hi h&mmama...are you taking the bridge or the generic program at coc?

Hi everyone,

congratulations for making it in the program! For those of you who are wondering...the nursing classes are 3 days/week (including clinicals) per class---so if you are taking any other nursing electives, those hours are separate from the core nursing program. You will need at least two sets of scrubs, a pair of comfortable nursing shoes( nikes and skechers are ok as long as they are all white and closed from the back and leather topped) if you already have your book list for nursing 112 and 114...start reading esp the drug book!!! Review your a&p (it will benefit you) the semester doesn't start til august but if you can start, read and take notes... Learn your way to clinical sites( with alternate routes)...and most importantly--find a way to relieve stress that you feel will help you a lot(running, yoga, pilates...or any activities that will be relaxing)...for the procrastinators---get rid of this habit!!! It will drag you down....also, get a study buddy and be a study buddy...this will be your lifesaver...

Other than that---pay attention to your instructors when they are teaching, pay attention to your patients, be always prepared when you go to class(clinicals or lecture)...for the ones with the non-healthcare background---goodluck and do not get will get tough but you will learn :)

always remember the hippa rule---do not ever violate...

Best of luck!

@Mayelvn im going to start the generic adn, thanks for all the info its very much appreciated. when do we actually start the 3day a wk schedual because at orientation they said it was going to be 5 days a week? What semester are you in?

MayeLVN, thank you very much for your advice.

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