What do you do right now?

U.S.A. Arizona


I am curious, for those of you who are working and going to school....what is your current line of work? Also, why have you chosen nursing as a profession?

I am in the same boat. I have applied and can only get hospital admin positions which offer no flexibilty. I have interviewed for serveral registrar positions but I was told that they chose someone with experience doing registration. When I interviewed the other day the lady said that office admin work is a bit different than hospital registration or unit secretary work. But I am still trying and still looking into the phlebotomy or unit secretary programs.

Good Luck!

West Valley: Did you ever have any luck finding a position with the hospital??:uhoh3:

West Valley: Did you ever have any luck finding a position with the hospital??:uhoh3:

Unfortunately not. But I am starting a phlebotomy program in the fall so I know I will eventually get in. Like before I kept being offered admin positions that were not offering any flexibilty. How about you?

I work as an insurance underwriter. Way boring :yawn: So after getting laid off from my last job I decided to switch careers. I choose nursing because I like helping others, I am good under pressure and I wanted a job with lots of diversity and opportunity.

I do not have any kids and right now I can only afford to go to school part-time. I am putting money away so hopefully when I get into school I can quit.

If you are working in a hospital currently, let me know what you do and how you got your job there. I am looking to get in a hospital environment but have had no luck breaking in.

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