Jeff State 2011 Fall Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Alabama


any Jeff State Fall 2011 hopefuls out there??

I am taking the TEAS V Wednesday, so then I will know how many points I have!!! :)

busymom: good idea...I am with you on that!

teejazzy I found the fundamentals of nursing text with the skills disc and a free fundamental of nursing clinical companion book for $148.66. The book text book alone at Jeff State is $115. I am looking for the ISBN

it's $207 on ....WOW... and amazon only has used copies.. they have two for $90 bucks

the price you got them for is not bad at all busy mom... Did they mentioned which hospitals your class will do clinicals at?

Hey teejazzy the ISBN # is 978-0323098809. You get all three for 148.66. On amazon for them all separate it is around $200 and that includes the free study guide and checklist

I don't remember them naming any specific hospitals that we will be going to.

oh wow busymom...that is the best deal I have seen!!!!

just the video is worth 130.00 Cant go wrong with this package...

ordering now!

I know that is a great price! on the price list that we got at orientation it has a total price of $ 275. So it saved a lot!!!

Have anyone started on the calculations sheet that they gave us?

lol...busymom.....the answer to your question: heck no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why did you have to remind me of that!!!!!!!!!! :)

now my anxiety has gone from bad to SEVERE!!!

yikes!!!!:sstrs: *wine

LOL!!! I know what you mean I have not started either. I am trying to get all of my reading finished for my Psych 210 class. Then I plan to start on it this week.

Meridy's has both white and purple (grape) uniforms for our school. Did they say we have to have the white ones or can we get purple? The sheet they gave us may say this but I don't have it with me at work.

@BamaRnStudent I believe I heard them say at orientation that we do not need the purple ones until 2nd semester.So I do not think we have to order them now.

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