Overslept on 1st clinical day...

Nursing Students General Students


Getting much sleep? Make sure you do. You don't want to oversleep on your 1st day of clinicals. Has this happen to you? Did you go in late? If yes, how did you feel?

What did you do so that it doesn't happen again?

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What I did--and still do--was set multiple alarms on my phone, each 10-15 minutes apart. That way if I shut the first one off (accidentally or not) and ended up dozing off, there was another alarm on its way.

Yep, same here. If I need to get up at 6:30, my alarms go off at 6, 6:15, and 6:30. Only once has this ever failed me, but there was Nyquil involved, and Nyquil knocks me out hard. It was (of course) on a clinical day, but I still wasn't late. Phew!

I never overslept.. It never even crossed my mind. I was working full time so I slept whenever and where ever I could (including my car in the school parking lot). My cell phone alarms was my best friend.

Ha I just found this and although I didn't oversleep during my first day... I did once during my junior year even after three alarms. But my clinical instructor was not so nice. Although I still made it in time to do the a.m. assessment before she told us to I received an unsatisfactory and was nearly bawling. However it helped when our younger clinical instructor shared that when she was in nursing school a fellow male nursing student had crashed on her couch the night before clinicals and they had somehow both slept through their alarms. Needless to say it didn't look too great when they both showed up late, together.

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