Your Supervisor and Your DON

Nurses General Nursing


What is your supervisor like? Is she approachable? Sane? Reasonable and fair? Escaped from a locked Psych ward? Experienced? Helpful? Punitive in an unreasonable way? Etc.

Is your DON reasonable and fair, etc.? Realistic re: policies, personnel matters? Do you think she has a huge ego?

What are your dealings like with these 2, assuming they are different?

I ask because I have had various types and miss the one I used to have who was nice. One of mine (DON) was the type who'd get mad and never forgive you. Once you were on her poo list, that was it. There was no getting off. She played favorites, she gossiped, she lied and exaggerated, she did lots of cutthroat things to those she considered enemies. I think she was a megalomaniac. Or lacked confidence and tried to hide it by being a tyrant. Either way, I'm glad she is in the past. I will say that she was very knowledgeable.

Specializes in ICU-Stepdown.

Yes, GardenDove, I'm very greatful and lucky to have a manager like her.

Satans spawn -hehe, still cracking up over that one.

Too true, TazziRN. I should leave the doc alone and let him have his fun. They had given me the sedative (Fentanyl and Versed) and while waiting for it to take full effect, I was cracking jokes at the prep team before the doc came in to cut on me. He came in and I heard him say "why is he still talking?" and I felt an increase in the joyjuice. Next thing I recall was waking up enroute to my room. :)

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

My MS director is super. Last winter when we were so overwhelmed w/pts....she jumped right in. She not only did her own job, but took pts as well. If you had not know she was a would have just thought she was another MS nurse.

My director is a piece of crap to put it mildly. Her answer to any help on the floor is "I haven't been orientated to that yet" Absolutely can not stand her! The doctors have started to complain about her, & the short staffing issues....hope thats a sign she's on her way out!

I recently left a hospital where I had put 16 years in, a unit I loved, an education project I really enjoyed as well as signing a contract for the RN to BSN that would have cost me 10,000$.

We had a new manager come that was so nasty that even working weekend nights I had too much contact. For the first time in my career, I was written up for inane things, or for untrue things, I was sabatoged by handing in audits to her that she denied getting from me, I was second guessed on everything I did, and got to hear how she badmouthed me to my co-workers.

After a year of this, a new onset of "work related" hypertension, 30# weight gain, an antidepressant and a sleep med, I decided that 10,000$ was not worth my sanity, my health or my life.

Nothing I tried worked, not going up the chain of command (so many people complained about this manager that the department manager and human resources came and told us we were not allowed to complain anymore!).

Half the night shift left within 2 weeks of my resignation. I am now happily employed elsewhere, and I have a 10,000$ debt to repay.

It's a bummer, but- no more hypertension, no more antidepressant, no more sleeper the weight is coming off and I can walk down a hall without wondering when the next knife is coming at my back!

I have seen some good ones come and go, and some bad ones, but this one really was something else. It amazes me the hospital won't admit they made a mistake in hiring her, but since it took over a year to find someone to take the job in the first place, I guess some face saving has to be done.

At least I am out, and putting this one behind me!

Gromit, I'm glad you have a humane one and are improving. Just take it easy. Please.

Bummer, nightnurse47. How well I understand but hope your new job stays sweet.

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