Your Interview Experience

Specialties NP


Can you describe what the interview process looked like for you when you sought employment at your current or former NP job? I am most curious to know who was involved in the interview (e.g., recruiter, CMA, other providers, organizational leaders) and how many interviews were required. I am simply looking for some insight into what I should expect as a recently-certified FNP who is seeking employment. Thank you.

13 hours ago, umbdude said:

Always wear formal professional attire until you have a firm offer letter in hand. Visiting the clinic and meeting coworkers are a part of the formal interviewing process. But it's a good sign!

Thank you, umbdude!

These forum responses have been a lot of help.

Very insightful

After three phone interviews and an almost day-long in-person interview/shadowing experience, I was offered a job! I am very grateful for this job opportunity - especially considering that we’re facing a pandemic and almost every employer seems to be looking for an experienced NP.

The entire process - from submitting the application to receiving a job offer - took four weeks. Just thought I would share this information in case anyone is seeking this sort of insight.

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