Published Jan 18, 2018
1,487 Posts
NP's are independent in many states now, which is a great step forward.
However I question if everyone is in full compliance with their state regulations concerning physician supervision or collaboration.
I ask this because a physician was essentially forced into such a relationship with me years ago.
Tracking him down to do the paperwork was such a nightmare. He was very resistive. Thankfully, I didn't need real help, because he wouldn't have been any. He was a stranger to the Internet.
Another physician didn't mind working with me, enjoyed it even, but was too lazy to fill out forms.
In looking at my state website in the past, NP's were disciplined or fined on occasion for failure to comply with the these regulations.
In many cases where the physician is resistive, they are not directly or well compensated for the responsibility. They also may have little contact with the NP and their practice.
Can you blame the physicians? I do not. Would you want the legal responsibility for someone else's work?
When I made a complaint, I was told "we will compensate Dr so and so for the half hour it takes him to review your charts".
But that was not even close to the issue.
So, my question is , have you had similar issues, or do you know APRN's who have?
82 Posts
Um, wait. My state says "collaborate at an appropriate" level or some vague nonsense. So I have a collaborative agreement and I ask my collaborator when I have a difficult case, but none of this is documented. Am I doing this wrong?! I've got 2.5 more months before I can be independent....
TheSquire, DNP, APRN, NP
1,290 Posts
IANAL, and I'm a new grad to boot, but if you 'consult' your collaborating physician on a case, you should document it. Should it get litigated, it's a level of CYA for you that you were following state laws and regulations, etc.