You can get out of monitoring early

Getting out of monitoring early Nurses Recovery


Yes, on occasion, you can get out of your monitoring contract early.  It does happen.  Even though the contract states you can't apply to be done until a certain time, there is a possible way to get out early.  I know some nurse is going to respond with the "exception to the rule" in which they were released a year early or something like that, but here is what is somewhat common.  If you have a 5 year contract, yes you sometimes can get out 6 months early.  If you have a 3 year contract, yes you can sometimes get out 3 months early.  Even though your contract might say that you can't even ask to be done until the 3 or 5 year mark, there is a possible way. Again, I know some of you might have got out much earlier, but by in large, these are the norms for people that do get out early on the very, very, very rare occasion that it happens.  But, it does happen on occasion and here is how.

I just completed a 5 year contract.  I got out 6 months early.  Finished at 4.5 years.  First, you can't have ANY flaw during your monitoring.  Not one.  Zero missed check in's in 4.5 years.  Not one.  No more than one week vacation time per year.  Obviously, no failed drug tests and no more than 2 diluted samples in the 4.5 years.  Never was late for sending in a monthly report for my recovery meetings and never late from an employee quarterly report to the monitoring program.  When I was 4 years and 5 months into my monitoring, I called my Case Manager in my monitoring program and reminded him of all of these things above about me.  I asked him.  Is there anyway possible I could complete this early as I have had zero issues and not only that, I had been teaching recovery for the past 2 years/leading meetings in the evening which is HUGE.  It shows you actually take the 12th step seriously.  He told me I needed to complete a 2 day in house comprehensive substance abuse evaluation at a facility that HE chose in my state.  They do a battery of tests.  It costs 3500 dollars. You meet with psychologists, addiction MD's, nurses, take several psychometric tests.  They do a toenail test, urine drug screen, and hair sample test for drugs.  They then write up a report, an extensive report on you and send it to your recovering program case manager.  

My report was spotless.  They stated I absolutely do not have a substance abuse disorder (Substance Abuse Disorder in Remission and Well Controlled) and here is the thing that helps, it's not just about NOT having a substance abuse order.  I also had been TEACHING recovery, leading recovery groups for the previous 2 years and had letters brought with me from 2 recovery friends in my groups that I taught.  I had letters from my Supervisor when I entered the Comprehensive Evaluation Testing for their 2 day stay.  In the end, I had my report.  I then met for an hour with my recovery program case manager a week later and he agreed to tell the Board of my situation and recommend me to be discharged from the recovery program.  Now at this point, on most occasions, most Boards will still give the answer, NO.  The Board can still say NO and half of the time, they do, but it's 50-50 here.  About half of the time, they say yes.  Here is the thing, 99% of people in monitoring programs will not go through these lengths 6 or 7 months out and never ask the Board, and many in recovery programs have had hickups along the way that prevents their case manager from even allowing them to go for comprehensive eval testing.  But, if you meet the requirements above, there is a chance.

It worked for me.  I was released 6 months early from a 5 year contract, so I can testify to this, there is a way.  It has happened to get out early.  It happened to me.  But, if you think you are just going to "ask the board" 6 months early to be done, you are wasting your time.  You have to go first through your Board Monitoring Recovery Program Case Manager and get all of the testing (if he or she agrees) and then after the testing comes back normal and your Case Manager agrees, you then approach the actual Board of Nursing with the question.  It worked for me.  The testing they give at the Comprehensive Eval Place are one's you can't fool.  The drug tests are the easy part of course since you are not using and haven't used, but the psychometric tests have AI inputs that score where you are in recovery and how likely you are to be using or how likely you are at this point in time to have a significant problem, and the test scores for "Faking Good" and has internal measures to see if you are lying.  

nolongeranurse said:

I find it difficult to comprehend paying such a substantial amount of money to exit a 6-month monitoring period. However, if that's the choice you've made with your time and resources, it is your prerogative. Personally, I believe you've been taken advantage of by your manager and the clinic. There seems to be no valid reason for subjecting you to multiple drug tests and a two-day assessment. After all, you were already assessed and diligently following your program. It's frustrating to witness how nurses are treated. It appears that people assume they can do whatever they please with nurses. Nurses have a long history of mistreatment by society and the workplace. They're often forced to work long hours in unsafe conditions and unfairly blamed for incidents even when they're understaffed and unable to provide adequate care. The job description for nurses is unreasonably burdensome, making them solely responsible for patient care, medical staff supervision, patient safety, environmental issues, building Maintenace and employee oversight. Over the past three decades, I've witnessed nurses endure verbal, emotional, and physical abuse from patients, employers, and colleagues. When nurses face emotional challenges or turn to substances to cope with their pain, they're unfairly judged and ostracized. Their names are even publicly displayed online, perpetuating the stigma.  Other people are able to get treatment and are protected by HIPPA- but this is not so for nurses. Learning about your financial exploitation does not surprise me in the least but it does sadden me to hear that you were exploited by the medical profession and no one even bats in eye about it. 

The way I think about monitoring is that I am proving myself to the board of nursing. It is in no way about helping or supporting me through anything. It gets confusing sometimes because the case managers talk like it's about helping us through recovery, but there is literally nothing about monitoring that is intended to help the nurse. 

I also keep in mind that nurse leaders who should be pushing for better working conditions aren't doing much. I mean these nurse orgs can lobby for NP autonomy, but there's not as much being done for safer working conditions. We are truly on our own 

That's great! It seems unfair that a nurse would have to lead a recovery group to be considered for early release. That is above and beyond the requirements, which is what should be considered for this option. 

Specializes in Psych, BH, LTC, Rehab, Detox.
Joshua Compton said:

Yes, on occasion, you can get out of your monitoring contract early.  It does happen.  Even though the contract states you can't apply to be done until a certain time, there is a possible way to get out early.  I know some nurse is going to respond with the "exception to the rule" in which they were released a year early or something like that, but here is what is somewhat common.  If you have a 5 year contract, yes you sometimes can get out 6 months early.  If you have a 3 year contract, yes you can sometimes get out 3 months early.  Even though your contract might say that you can't even ask to be done until the 3 or 5 year mark, there is a possible way. Again, I know some of you might have got out much earlier, but by in large, these are the norms for people that do get out early on the very, very, very rare occasion that it happens.  But, it does happen on occasion and here is how.

I just completed a 5 year contract.  I got out 6 months early.  Finished at 4.5 years.  First, you can't have ANY flaw during your monitoring.  Not one.  Zero missed check in's in 4.5 years.  Not one.  No more than one week vacation time per year.  Obviously, no failed drug tests and no more than 2 diluted samples in the 4.5 years.  Never was late for sending in a monthly report for my recovery meetings and never late from an employee quarterly report to the monitoring program.  When I was 4 years and 5 months into my monitoring, I called my Case Manager in my monitoring program and reminded him of all of these things above about me.  I asked him.  Is there anyway possible I could complete this early as I have had zero issues and not only that, I had been teaching recovery for the past 2 years/leading meetings in the evening which is HUGE.  It shows you actually take the 12th step seriously.  He told me I needed to complete a 2 day in house comprehensive substance abuse evaluation at a facility that HE chose in my state.  They do a battery of tests.  It costs 3500 dollars. You meet with psychologists, addiction MD's, nurses, take several psychometric tests.  They do a toenail test, urine drug screen, and hair sample test for drugs.  They then write up a report, an extensive report on you and send it to your recovering program case manager.  

My report was spotless.  They stated I absolutely do not have a substance abuse disorder (Substance Abuse Disorder in Remission and Well Controlled) and here is the thing that helps, it's not just about NOT having a substance abuse order.  I also had been TEACHING recovery, leading recovery groups for the previous 2 years and had letters brought with me from 2 recovery friends in my groups that I taught.  I had letters from my Supervisor when I entered the Comprehensive Evaluation Testing for their 2 day stay.  In the end, I had my report.  I then met for an hour with my recovery program case manager a week later and he agreed to tell the Board of my situation and recommend me to be discharged from the recovery program.  Now at this point, on most occasions, most Boards will still give the answer, NO.  The Board can still say NO and half of the time, they do, but it's 50-50 here.  About half of the time, they say yes.  Here is the thing, 99% of people in monitoring programs will not go through these lengths 6 or 7 months out and never ask the Board, and many in recovery programs have had hickups along the way that prevents their case manager from even allowing them to go for comprehensive eval testing.  But, if you meet the requirements above, there is a chance.

It worked for me.  I was released 6 months early from a 5 year contract, so I can testify to this, there is a way.  It has happened to get out early.  It happened to me.  But, if you think you are just going to "ask the board" 6 months early to be done, you are wasting your time.  You have to go first through your Board Monitoring Recovery Program Case Manager and get all of the testing (if he or she agrees) and then after the testing comes back normal and your Case Manager agrees, you then approach the actual Board of Nursing with the question.  It worked for me.  The testing they give at the Comprehensive Eval Place are one's you can't fool.  The drug tests are the easy part of course since you are not using and haven't used, but the psychometric tests have AI inputs that score where you are in recovery and how likely you are to be using or how likely you are at this point in time to have a significant problem, and the test scores for "Faking Good" and has internal measures to see if you are lying.  


I am amazed at these contracts that are 3 or 5 years long. Mine could technically be done in a year if I was already at a facility that accepted the conditions of my consent order. I only need 4 quarterly evals done by a supervisor and to follow the BONs request for drug screens and whatnot. The random drug screening through their other third party company they use etc. So the 3 and 5 year contracts I'm just curious if it's due to the state you're in or what you actually did. 

Specializes in Psychiatry.
PsychRNXXX said:

I am amazed at these contracts that are 3 or 5 years long. Mine could technically be done in a year if I was already at a facility that accepted the conditions of my consent order. I only need 4 quarterly evals done by a supervisor and to follow the BONs request for drug screens and whatnot. The random drug screening through their other third party company they use etc. So the 3 and 5 year contracts I'm just curious if it's due to the state you're in or what you actually did. 

In my state 3 years is the normal no matter what.  We have a PHP program. I did nothing wrong. I'm stuck with 3 years assuming I don't make the most minor error.  I also have to attend 3 weekly aa meetings group and individual therapy which are anything but therapeutics,  have a sponsor  worksite monitor, random drug testing.  It's ridiculous. 

Specializes in Psych, BH, LTC, Rehab, Detox.
Healer555 said:

In my state 3 years is the normal no matter what.  We have a PHP program. I did nothing wrong. I'm stuck with 3 years assuming I don't make the most minor error.  I also have to attend 3 weekly aa meetings group and individual therapy which are anything but therapeutics,  have a sponsor  worksite monitor, random drug testing.  It's ridiculous. 

Wow. Well I guess I'm grateful for mine then. Mine doesn't have any restrictions with alcohol, no meetings for AA or NA. But based on whatever action you did or were found guilty of or suspected cause of, the board just makes a decision and an order you have to follow based off your "infractions" or whatever you wanna call it, what you were accused of or even proven of if there's facts etc. My rules are kind of simple I guess then - have to work day shift like 7a-11p, have to have another RN with me on the premises somewhere (a supervisor), quarterly evals by a supervisor, can't work in certain areas like critical care or the ED, can't work more than 48 hours a week, have to work a minimum amount during a certain time frame but I can't remember what that is, have to register with their third party company and get random drug screens, have to do them also as requested per employer or BON, have to upload and provide alot of info about meds to my case worker and upload it to that third party website they use, get all providers to fill out paperwork of scripts given, do a certain CEU class online about narcotics handling, and I really can't remember what else LOL. Let me see ... Single state probationary license for 12 months up to 24 months to comply with their "rules.” it says. Have to notify the case worker of every thing job related or med related. Even have to report taking cough meds and Benadryl. Can't volunteer anywhere. Have to tell your employer about it or when you interview etc. Can only work one place, can't be a float nurse, work for a travel agency etc. Cant have a PRN job somewhere else. Can't be in any supervisor type position. Can't work more than 12 hours a day. Think that's about it though. 

Specializes in Psychiatry.
PsychRNXXX said:

Wow. Well I guess I'm grateful for mine then. Mine doesn't have any restrictions with alcohol, no meetings for AA or NA. But based on whatever action you did or were found guilty of or suspected cause of, the board just makes a decision and an order you have to follow based off your "infractions" or whatever you wanna call it, what you were accused of or even proven of if there's facts etc. My rules are kind of simple I guess then - have to work day shift like 7a-11p, have to have another RN with me on the premises somewhere (a supervisor), quarterly evals by a supervisor, can't work in certain areas like critical care or the ED, can't work more than 48 hours a week, have to work a minimum amount during a certain time frame but I can't remember what that is, have to register with their third party company and get random drug screens, have to do them also as requested per employer or BON, have to upload and provide alot of info about meds to my case worker and upload it to that third party website they use, get all providers to fill out paperwork of scripts given, do a certain CEU class online about narcotics handling, and I really can't remember what else LOL. Let me see ... Single state probationary license for 12 months up to 24 months to comply with their "rules.” it says. Have to notify the case worker of every thing job related or med related. Even have to report taking cough meds and Benadryl. Can't volunteer anywhere. Have to tell your employer about it or when you interview etc. Can only work one place, can't be a float nurse, work for a travel agency etc. Cant have a PRN job somewhere else. Can't be in any supervisor type position. Can't work more than 12 hours a day. Think that's about it though. 

How long are you doing and why do you have to do this?  I cant work out of state but can ask to work more hours or overnight and don't need to work with a supervisor.  You definitely got a better deal. 

PsychRNXXX said:

Wow. Well I guess I'm grateful for mine then. Mine doesn't have any restrictions with alcohol, no meetings for AA or NA. But based on whatever action you did or were found guilty of or suspected cause of, the board just makes a decision and an order you have to follow based off your "infractions" or whatever you wanna call it, what you were accused of or even proven of if there's facts etc. My rules are kind of simple I guess then - have to work day shift like 7a-11p, have to have another RN with me on the premises somewhere (a supervisor), quarterly evals by a supervisor, can't work in certain areas like critical care or the ED, can't work more than 48 hours a week, have to work a minimum amount during a certain time frame but I can't remember what that is, have to register with their third party company and get random drug screens, have to do them also as requested per employer or BON, have to upload and provide alot of info about meds to my case worker and upload it to that third party website they use, get all providers to fill out paperwork of scripts given, do a certain CEU class online about narcotics handling, and I really can't remember what else LOL. Let me see ... Single state probationary license for 12 months up to 24 months to comply with their "rules.” it says. Have to notify the case worker of every thing job related or med related. Even have to report taking cough meds and Benadryl. Can't volunteer anywhere. Have to tell your employer about it or when you interview etc. Can only work one place, can't be a float nurse, work for a travel agency etc. Cant have a PRN job somewhere else. Can't be in any supervisor type position. Can't work more than 12 hours a day. Think that's about it though. 

I'd love to trade places. I can work anywhere and no time restrictions.  I don't have to work. I also don't have to do CEUS. 

Specializes in Psych, BH, LTC, Rehab, Detox.
Healer555 said:

How long are you doing and why do you have to do this?  I cant work out of state but can ask to work more hours or overnight and don't need to work with a supervisor.  You definitely got a better deal. 

I'd love to trade places. I can work anywhere and no time restrictions.  I don't have to work. I also don't have to do CEUS. 

Issues a Single state probationary license for 12 months up to 24 months to comply with their "rules.” it says. 

Congratulations..... I know what being in monitoring feels like but wouldn't it have been easier to just finish the last 6 months then do a complete diagnostic evaluation...

I'm thinking I could do an forensic psychological evaluation and submit it and see if it would help or not. 


I'm also thinking of enrolling in a masters criminal justice program to see if it would add any help to mine.


Congratulations again

Quickstepper said:

Can you please clairify what you mean by "entered the Comprehensive Evaluation  Testing  for their  2 day stay"?  

You phrase it as if it's a standardized measure used to detemine if someone has, or does not have, a SUD.  As far as I'm aware, no such test exists.  Can you please explain what you underwent to prove that you were recovered? 

There are 3 different psychometric tests for alcohol and substance abuse that when used together, have sensitivity scores over 95% for SUD. One of the big ones is the SASSI. In addition to MMPI which can teat for mental health and malingering and unteithfulness, there were a couple of more. The SASSI is the huge one. Additionally, toenail tests (can look back 1 year) for everything including antihistamines and even neurontin is checked for through the US Drig Testing Laboratory. Also, hair test and the nail test is so specific that they can detect second hand exposure to THC. All of these things including one on one interviews with an addiction logistical. 

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