33 years old BSN new grad for 8 months

U.S.A. New York


Hello All and thank you in advance for any advice that is given.

I have a prior bachelors degree, and have been a bartender for 13 years. I received my NYS license (BSN) in August. I started looking for an RN job in October and still have no luck. Ive heard of two grades of hospitals. Im wondering if there are smaller lesser known hospitals that I haven't applied to. I may have better luck finding a job in a small facility. Or does anyone know of Plastic surgeons or surgery centers that tend to hire new grads???

I heard the RN job search would be difficult, but I would think there might be areas I haven't tapped into. I am drowning in student loan debt :uhoh3:

Im trying to stay positive! :shy:

Specializes in Spine Surgery.

When did you graduate? What have you been doing so far?

Yes, I applied like nuts. Getting rejected every time. I had an interview in February , which I interviewed with 5 people in one day. I didnt get that job. Eventually I had to get a job in home care. Once I had a month experience, I went to all my profiles with the hospitals and updated my resume with the actual RN experience. Then out of nowhere I received a call from talent acquisition for NYP. Had one interview with the manager and the next week I was informed of the "on boarding" process.

Good luck!

Congrats thats pretty amazing! NYC seems to be a tough city for newbies but having your BSN helps!!! Good luck!

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