1 year--No job--what to do?


Ok, it has been a year and nothing. I have tried everything to no avail. I am no longer considered a new grad and am unhirable. This is a fact. So the question is "now what?" The majority of NP programs require (say it with me) 1-2 years acute care experience and the ones that don't will graduate me to unemployment. I do not want to repeat the same mistake and end up a stale grad with a masters and no job.

Any ideas? I know a lot of you will say "keep on trying"--"never give up nursing", but I am ready to move on. Unfortunatley one needs to know when to cut your losses and I have decided that it is time. I have a BSN and wonder if anyone has any thoughts or info about Masters programs outside of nursing that can be transitioned to. I would like to stay in healthcare but will entertain other settings. Teaching maybe?

Let me know what you think.

maybe a masters in healthcare admin..but getting a job might still be hard. You could join the Navy or Air force. You might get shipped out to A stan or Iraq but that would be great experience. Or you could just work in a Navy hospital like the one in San Diego. Might not be bad officers have it pretty good. You would also get experience. When you got out you could get a job with that experience. Or you could retire in 20.

There are several different types of programs you can get your masters in that do not require experience. Just gotta do your research. I think teaching nursing positions require experience unless you also get your doctorate. I would definitely recommend start researching programs. There are people who do get jobs with no clinical experience in mastering in Nurse Practitioner, just depends on the area. Good luck.

Specializes in Cath Lab/ ICU.

Take a refresher course and continue to look. Do not spend more money on more degrees! Not now, not yet...

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