Yay! I've almost graduated... now how the heck do I find a job?


I am graduating from an ACNP program in May, and I am completely overwhelmed with the job search.

I want to relocate. I want to work at a large academic medical center. The large academic medical center where I am attending school and doing clinical is great, but I would like to keep my options open and there is nothing about the services I would like to work on there that has really inspired me so far. I'm hoping maybe some of the NPs reading this are involved with recruitment and hiring and can give me some advice.

1. How do I make a resume or a CV?? I haven't really published anything or done anything special other than just doing the very best I can at my jobs during my ten years as a nurse. I have searched and searched for sample resumes and haven't really found anything helpful.

2. Do I have any chance at landing a job someplace ice cold? I feel like all my classmates LOVE the people they work with now and started our program with their jobs already lined up.

3. When should I start looking if I graduate in May?

Thank you.

Specializes in FNP.

I'd ask a few of your professors if you can see their CVs to get an idea of how it is done. Since you know you want to relocate, I'd work with a recruiter. They can get you options all over the country. As far as when to look, IME it didn't do much good to look w/o a license.

We graduated in Dec. 2010. I think there were 2 people with jobs before or at graduation. Both of them took positions in systems in which they already worked. Most of the group had positions by early Spring. A few straggled on into Summer. I just accepted one, and I have one classmate still looking. I was super picky and she lives in BFE, lol.

Congratulations and good luck!

look into medhunters.com(they have changed their name, but google will take u there)

medhunters helped me land my first NP job.

If u r willing to relocate and wish to come to alberta, canada...there are NP jobs here

84,000-124,000CDN/yr with great benefits which add another 30% to your compensation package.

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