Writing CPRNE in different province



I am currently a practical nursing student in Ontario, I will be graduating in April 2015. I am looking to move to BC once I have graduated and am looking for any information regarding writing my registration exam out in BC rather than doing it in Ontario and then requesting a transfer of registration to BC.

If anyone has done this, or has information regarding it that would be extremely helpful.

I've called both the Ontario and BC regulating bodies and seem to more confused than before.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

You should be able to get permission from CNO to write the exam in BC. It's done all the time. You would, however, have to register in Ontario first after passing the exam and then apply for a BC registration. It'll mean paying 2 registration fees, then claiming back a portion of your Ontario registration once you're all set in BC. (That's if you choose not to maintain registration in Ontario.)

You will also need to pass the jurisprudence exam to be registered with CNO. If you are graduating in April and planning to write the exam(s) in May, it will not leave much time to settle in BC and study.

I am in the same boat as you are. I have been on the phone with both the CNO and CLPNBC numerous times and its a total headache, but have some answers.

As the others have said, you have to register with the CNO and CLPNBC colleges, which means you have to pay both fees, nearing $1000. I never heard anything about claiming back some of the registration fee, but will look into that. Once you have fully registered with the CNO, then that allows you to transfer your license to BC, but again you have to pay both fees.

As for the exam, the CNO says you can no longer take the exam in another province.

BC currently does not have a jurisprudence exam, but they may change that and have one in upcoming months, so they told me just to check back. To fully register with the CNO you have to take the Ontario jurisprudence exam.

The CLPNBC also requires a background check as part of there registration to the college.

Hope that answers some of your questions.

CNO doe not have pro-rated registration fees, so I don't think you can claim back a portion of the fee.

Do you have to wait until you complete the PN program to be eligible to do the jurisprudence exam? Or can you do it while still in school?

Depends on why you are moving. My registration fees were reimbursed by my spouse's employer as part of our moving expenses

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