Would you recommend taking gen. biology in the summer?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


It's only a 6 week class, but I am a bit worried that I will not do well because of too much info in such a short amount of time. I do want to get this out of the way so I can take my A&P classes. Should I just take it in the fall or do the fast track class?

Specializes in School Nursing.

I took General Bio 1 last summer in a 10 week course and I have to say it was extremely challenging. I studied constantly and still made a C. It was the first science class I had taken in like 20 years so that could have played a part in it. I don't think I could have made it through a 6 week course, not for that one. Good luck!

I think summer courses are fine. I took A&P 1 and micro over summer sessions and did fine in each. Of course your readings and such are much more, maybe even double a regular semester but it's good prep for nursing as the regular semester long classes require tons of reading. Don't stress it just study and you can get an A. Good luck

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