Would appreciate help from a public health nurse!

Specialties Public/Community


I'm in nursing school and for one of my classes I need to write about the typical roles and functions of the nurse in their particular community setting. I was wondering if a public health nurse would be able to take a little bit of their time to answer a few questions for me, I would really appreciate it!

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I can answer some. I'll be a public health nurse in a small, local jurisdiction  for about 3 more days. 

Would you mind messaging me on here or emailing me? 

I would be more than happy to answer some questions!

Specializes in ICU.

I would love to learn more about what a day on the job as a PH Nurse is like! Would you mind sharing in the thread or private messaging if preferable?

monz1987 said:

I would be more than happy to answer some questions!


nursej22 said:

I can answer some. I'll be a public health nurse in a small, local jurisdiction  for about 3 more days. 


I help in the TB clinic, with immunizations and high risk infant follow up program. For TB clinic, We interact from the start when we have a active TB case, to contact investigation where we find out if others exposed to the active TB case are also at risk. We also provide treatment and manage DOT therapy to make sure they are compliant with taking their anti TB meds, monitor them for adverse effects, also provide bloodwork and sputum testing services. We also manage all the calls between doctors, hospitals, labs to collect medical record information regarding the patients. For immunizations, we administer the vaccines on the immunization schedule to kids up to 18yrs of age and also provide flu and COVID vaccines. I have not started the high risk infant program yet, but I know I will be doing home visits and providing lots of education relating to high risk infant issues as well as doing physical, developmental milestone assessments and referring them out to services they need. The hours are great: Mon to Fri 830-430, no weekends or holidays. Hope this helps

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

My experience is much like monz1987. 

I also used to field calls from provider offices about appropriate treatment for LTBI and interpreting TSTs and QFTs. 

We would sometimes make home visits to collect and or induce sputa to r/o active TB. Most offices do not have negative pressure rooms to collect in nor do the staff know how to collect them. We had the option to send them to ED, but again, most of the times the samples were not collected properly. 

We would get notice from the CDC about people new to the country who needed additional TB screening on arrival. And we would treat the LTBI for those who tested positive because most do not qualify for Medicaid. 


Specializes in ICU.

Thanks nursej22 and monz1987. Sounds like important work given the consequences of untreated TB!

Do you mind sharing how you got these jobs? Is it through local county health office? 

I was a MRC volunteer which is affiliated with my local health dept. I also had prior nursing experience from outpatient and med surg. All these experiences helped me get the job

I really appreciate the responses and taking some time to tell me about your experiences nursej22 and monz1987!

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