Published Oct 28, 2013
100 Posts
I have a 4.0 GPA, but I got an overall score of 76% in my teas second attempt. I'm a slow test taker, and that was not good for me in the TEAS. The school I applied for requires a 64%. But I know nursing school is competitive.
443 Posts
I know it has you worried, but with your strong GPA they should see you are an amazing student.
Idiosyncratic, BSN, RN
712 Posts
I agree with the other poster. Thought it depends on how your program does acceptance - I do believe you'll be fine. That's an amazing GPA. :)
Thanks for the encouragement. I hope to keep my GPA this semester. I have a crazy history teacher. I feel a little discouraged, but I guess that's part of the nursing journey.
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
A score of 76% on the TEAS V is actually reasonably decent. Many programs consider a score of either 62 or 67 as a "pass" for that test. I would think that when combined with your 4.0 GPA, you would stand an excellent chance of being admitted to RN school. Assuming that your 4.0 GPA and TEAS V scores included all prerequisites and co-requisites to the program I'm in, you would be considered eligible for the random selection pool. In other words, you'd be considered a "Qualified Applicant" and could be admitted to the program. My program has additional points for various things, but I did not select those. Just on those two qualifications would you be considered qualified. I don't know how you'd stack up at the program you want to apply to, but... Overall, I'd think you'll be reasonably competitive.