WorkSource requirements


Hi, thought I'd start a new post regarding the WorkSource requirements. Do they go by your income, do you have to be unemployed? Do they go by your credit score? Or anything else financial?

Thanks for any information :o)


i actually stopped by the worksource center at fccj south campus and they gave me a sheet about tuition assistance for nursing students. it said...

you must meet the following criteria:

- be accepted into the core nursing program (your proof is the admittance letter)

- have a 3.0 or better GPA average

- must demonstrate need by completing financial aid process (FAFSA)

AND meet one of the following:

- be an adult making less than $25.00/hour

- dislocated worker (unemployed)

- have a dependent child or children living in the household under the age of 18 and meet low income guidelines.

if you said YES to any of the questions above, you may be eligible for tuition assitance through worksource.

i have the names and numbers of the people who do further screening for baker, clay, nassau, and duval counties. i don't think i'm allowed to post them, so if you want them, send me a private message.

Thanks so much for the information! :up:

Hi, Thank you so much for the information. Do you happen to have any phone numbers for dade county?

Specializes in Intensive medical care.

Does anyone know? I have looked and looked but can't find any info. Any help for those of us in Volusia county?

Also....I was approved for assistance and I have right below a 3.0...I think they said you just have to keep a 3.0 in your nursing course while in the program. I got approved in less than a week but apply early because once the funding is gone...that's all she wrote!:p

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