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Where are some good places to find worksheet to help reinforce information learned? I am currently in Adult health and would like to find something to help me learn and study the information.

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

Pinterest is great, type something you need help on like diabetes and let the diagrams and pictures flow.

I suggest making your own diagrams with flow charts and arrows and fun stuff...worked for me. Basically you relate everything. Because everything is essentially related and connected in some fashion. From the Disease name to the pathophysiology to the symptoms to the drug therapy and complications. Don't be afraid to get colorful. =)

Pinterest is great, type something you need help on like diabetes and let the diagrams and pictures flow.

I agree with Okami. Also check youtubers such as nursenacole, mikelinares,etc. There is also this website that goes by nclexcram (I think that's the name, I kind of forgot). Hope this helps. Good luck!

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I use a lot of post-its on the bathroom mirror and kitchen window and such to learn stuff. Having things RIGHTTHEREINYOURFACE can be very helpful! :)

Thank you all! These are great ideas! I will be checking out those youtube sites and be checking around some more on pinterest. I do use post it and agree that it does help! Thank you all again!

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