Working Full-time and going to school

Nursing Students Student Assist


I guess maybe its paranoia but need some real life advice. I am completing the college pre-reqs this spring and have been accepted at a nursing school starting in the fall. The course catelog description for Nursing I says 1 night 5-9 and 2 other nights 5-midnight. This is all well and good but I am terrified its going to be more than that. Right now I have a 3.8 GPA and have been able to work full time while doing this. Anyone else out there work FT and do the nursing school at the same time? I guess I am just looking for some encouragement. I know I can do it. Does the schedule sound accurate? Thanks

I worked full/time while going to Nursing School, 48 to 56 hours/week. A leave of absence wasn't possible, plus, I worked in an a unrelated field. My bosses worked with me on my schedule, making it as flexible as possible. School was not flexible, but I was told that at the onset.

I was the only one in Nursing School who worked full-time. The school watched me very closely. A couple of my CI's pulled me aside at clinicals wanting to know, Why did I look so tired? After learning about my circumstances, they watched me, too.

I learned to not worry about my GPA, RN=C. When you're sleep-derived, only so much penetrates. I can't count the times, I woke up in the morning with my textbook on my chest, alarm blaring. I learned to live by my day-planner.

In retrospect, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Sheer stubborness, determination, and many, many prayers got me through this very difficult time.

The very best of luck to you!

Asia :nurse:

I myself am working 40 hrs a week. usually fri-sun. I am married with 3 children 2-6-8. It's is hard, but it's all in how you motivate yourself. It is possible to do it. I just finished Intro to Nursing and did my first rounds in clinical in Nursing I. As far as with all the reading - our instructors say not to read word for word, but skim - look at the stuff in bold. usually the first sentence in each paragraph, as I have noticed everthing seems to be repetative. Our instructors have also told us - that the "nursing side" of campus and how things go there are not the same as in the "other side" where all the pre/co reqs are taken.

Specializes in LTC, MED-SURG.

well i think that its great that you want to work full time, i work full time on the weekends, i got to school monday thru friday and i have a 2 year old and a baby on the way. if anyone i got a full plate. you can do full time, its not as bad as it sounds. just remember it doesnt last forever.

good luck

HELLO and Congratulations!

You will have a lot of studying to do; however, the schedule sounds realistic. I experienced the full time work, and weekend post graduate nursing program for two years. It can be grueling; however, if someone had told me 'learn the rationales' .... it would have been a cake walk.

Good luck!

Specializes in Stepdown.

I haven't started LPN school yet. But I also have to keep my full-time while attending night school. I'm a supervisor/Team Leader in my currentl position and I can alter my time a little but for see it being challenging. I figure I'm determined enought to pass and finish and I can't let my job alter my dreams in becoming a nurse. Besides, if you feel you can't handle it then you know what you must do. I have witness several co-workers that are doing both and if they can do it...then so can I.

Have will work out.


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