Working During Nursing School

Nursing Students General Students


I was accepted to nursing school and am supposed to begin in August. My partner always told me that I didn't need to worry about working during nursing school and that she would take care of the bills. Well we have been on-again-off-again for the past month and recently found out that we would have to move. She never said anything about rent or getting another apartment together so I assumed that we would. Well we signed our new lease and are planning on moving in early July. Now she brings it to my attention that she was under the impression that I wouldn't be moving with her into the new place and that I either have to get a job and pay half the rent or else she would move and leave me with the entire thing. Her mom is a nurse and told her that it was very difficult to work during nursing school and when I went to orientation they said the same thing. Now the problem is that we have broken up (for good this time!) and we both are on the lease. I don't mind helping pay the rent as that's typically what roommates do. My problem is that she has always told me not to worry about getting a job and working during nursing school and now I have to. So my question is how difficult is it to work and go to school? I don't want this break-up and move to affect my schooling as I have worked too hard and too long to get to this point. I am just at a loss as to what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in OR.

Working is possible but you have to know your strengths and limitations. Also, if you have children on top of working it may be tough. I did 32 hours a week(evenings) as a scrub tech and while there were times that I was flat out exhausted, it also helped me tremendously. Most of the surgeons love to teach so I learned a lot just by asking questions. I had a great supervisor who didn't mind if I studied when we were slow. I also didn't let the tough clinical instructors know that I worked that much because some would ride you harder if they knew you worked. Good luck!

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