Published Aug 13, 2010
467 Posts
Do any of you guys work while going to np programs or even getting a bsn
4 Posts
I'll have to work. I am hoping to work just 15 hours a week though so I can keep some benefits from work while still having time to be a single mother and go to school full time.
Is this while doing an rn program or an np program
185 Posts
I am still taking my pre requisites but I have heard it's hard to work and be in the program,unfortunately I don't think I will have that luxury to do that. I was thinking of working a part time and on something that doesn't require much brain usage,by that I mean like something very easy like a supermarket or movie theatres because I think I will need my brain for the homework :/
2 Posts
I will be working about 20hrs a week. I will get out if class at 2:15 and will have study time until 6pm and also my weekends are for studying. Unfortunately I will have to work to pay some bills. Good luck to you
RN Erin
3 Posts
Yes, you can work full time and go to nursing school. The website for the school i graduated from, and some of my instructors said it's impossible to work full time during school, but I proved them wrong. People ask me how I did it (even the other students in my class wondered how I did it), and I tell everyone the same thing "school and work...that's ALL I did". I worked as a scrub tech in an operating room every weekend and during the week when I didn't have class or clinicals, after work I came home, sat down, and opened my books and studied until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I lived on junk food and caffeine and gained 50 lbs. I tried dating, but the last time I saw the guy was the night before I started med surg II clinicals (was working 3 12's, clinicals 2 12's, and 2 days of class all day). I maintained average grades throughout school, but I took some time off before the NCLEX, and I found out on Wednesday morning that I passed (75 questions), and I got my new work badge yesterday with "RN" by my name. If you decide to work full time during nursing school, make it a commitment. NEVER allow yourself to back out, or you will regret it. I am here to tell you, today, my first Saturday in 2 years without any studying that I have to do, that it's the most amazing feeling you'll ever experience! Good luck!
359 Posts
Yep, full time work, full time school, and taking care of two kids.. it can be done if you really want it.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
Yes full time while in LPN, ADN, BSN, MSN and two post MSN certificates.
Can be done but isn't fun.