Published Oct 12, 2014
8 Posts
I am trying to find ideas on a PRN work from home job. I did search others' posts first, but my needs seem to be slightly different.
I previously have been a paramedic, and have worked as an RN in a couple of EDs, ICUs, and am now in the cath lab. The issue is that I have to be at home when I am on call for the cath lab since I have a 30 minute response time. What I am looking for is a job that I can do while I'm at home and on call, but if I get called in I can set the work aside and get back to it once I get back home. Our call in isn't that bad, so I don't see it being an issue as far as having time to work on something else productive.
I am of course imagining something in chart review/utilization review/case management since telephonic triage wouldn't quite work if I had to go suddenly. The only issue it seems is that those areas require extensive experience in those areas.
Any ideas? I'll even entertain ideas to open up a lemonade stand on the corner by my house...ha ha!
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
If you have a MSN you can work from home as an evaluator for WGU. I used to do it- you basically grade papers. Hours are COMPLETELY flexible- pick it up and lay it down as you wish. Minimum 15 hours/ week.
243 Posts
Do you get compensated well? I was thinking about doing this on the side.
PM me
Bummer! Only a BSN...but thanks for the idea!
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
I had a job in education at the community college level teaching an online course and working in the manner that you desire. I worked 16 hour weeks from home.... Rarely did I have to do something in person with the exception of a lecture or a meeting from time to time. I do not think Case Management or UR positions are out there that will fit your requirements. From what I have read and based on some of the nurses I know, employers can and in most cases do, micromanage staff that work from home to ensure productivity (They want to get their pennies worth out of you).
On the other hand, if you cannot find a nursing job that meets your standards, try working outside of nursing. Take a job teaching a hobby at the community college level (Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees are not always required). Or get a license in the sales industry... After all, we are a nation of consumers. Good Luck.
Thanks for the ideas. Unfortunately the key for me is that it is something that I can do at home while on call - I don't think a community college would be very excited about me running out the door mid-lecture. I have no problem proving productivity - it just would be in unconventional ways...but I do understand your point in the hesitation of employers to take on someone as part time as I would be looking to be.
I love my current nursing job - was just hoping to improve my financial situation (as pager pay is not so great) while having to be at home waiting for a call if and when I were to get one. So it doesn't even have to be a job in nursing that I would do - just something that I could put down and pick back up again a couple of hours later. I thought perhaps there were others that have tried this...or maybe I'm the weird one in looking to attempt such a feat! :)
Thanks again!