Published Jul 12, 2016
86 Posts
Anyone else work full time while they're in a nursing program?
I'm a PCT and I work 36 hours a week on a busy med/surg floor and I attend school 4 days a week. I'm in my 3rd of out 7, 10 week term and I am already utterly exhausted. Any advice or tips on how to manage time would be appreciated. Stay strong and kind , my fellow nursing students!
364 Posts
If you are able and willing, you could consider cutting back your hours. If that is not an option, just manage your time effectively. Remember that nursing school is a speck of time and the payoff is huge! That usually gets me through the tired days.
Banana nut, BSN, RN, EMT-B
316 Posts
I don't have any advice for you at the moment but I am in the same position you are in. I'm exhausted as well. I don't know what I'm going to do for work once things start to get even harder. Good luck my friend.
Summer Days
203 Posts
Like you, I maintained full time status in both school and work. Unfortunately, I don't remember as much getting any rest at all. I accepted the fact that exhaustion was part of my life. I had 10 week terms as well and each week I'd remind myself that the quarter would be over sooner than I can sneeze. I relied on positive thoughts to get me thru each week. Fourtunately for me, on the unit I worked as nurse's aide, there was downtime and I utilized that time to go over my notes. Also, I found relevance in what I did or the pts I took care of. If a pt was placed on isolation, I'd find out which iso it was then quickly go over in my head which diseases I'd expect for a pt to be placed on, for say, droplet iso. Same goes for diseases. When you take report from the off going aide, get in the habit of thinking which pt you should see first and why. In this way you are reviewing pt care management. Ok I hope you get the point. All the best, stay positive.